Sophia's heart nearly stopped when the pile of books tumbled to the ground. Thankfully they were on the third floor where there were very few people, but Sophia still felt really bad that they had deserved the peace. And she felt bad for the books too. It wasn't a terrible incident, however, and the other patrons of the third floor seemed more concerned for Tim and Sophia's well being than for the sudden disruption. "Yes, thank you," Sophia said as she gave the Korean girl a smile before leaning down to start picking up the books. The girl approached, offering even as she began to gather the books, "Here. Let me help with that." "Thanks," Sophia said again. "An interesting selection the two of you have," the girl noted as she and Sophia set the books on the table. "Yeah, we're doing some self-study," Sophia told her. The girl likely wouldn't believe her if she told her about the tunnels, and she wanted to keep that a secret anyway. After they had gathered all the books Sophia thanked the girl once more before she went on her way. Sophia and Tim chose what books they wanted to check out, put the rest back, and then went down to the first floor to check them out. From there the two made their way back to Tim's apartment to drop off their books. "Off to the town square," Sophia declared, giving Tim a smile. Meanwhile, her phone sat in her pocket on silence so Sophia wouldn't hear message after message coming in.