Name: Amara Raith Age: 15 [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=After Transformation] [img] [/img] [/hider] Wish: "I wish to sacrifice my life, to bring my family and friend back to life, and then use my death for others." Soul Gem Color: Black, with shades of dark purple. Powers: Her strength and speed are among the best, and she can survive almost anything short of being obliterated, but regenerating takes a lot of stamina. She can raise the dead (including, animals, people, even the monsters inside labyrinths), as mindless servants, however, human undead take a blood sacrifice (Not much, and she only uses her own.) There are a few limitations and rules regarding this. She cannot raise anything permanently. The closer to human the undead is the more of it's original spirit can be called up. The older the undead, the harder to call up, and bind, but they are more powerful and easier to control. She doesn't have to summon up zombies, semi-corporal spirits work as well. Her most powerful ability is to bring spirits inside herself and use their strength and knowledge, but only with the spirit's permission. She can also talk to spirits and gain knowledge held in dead brains. She can calm agitated sprits and lay then to rest. Weapon: Her bones are harder than iron. She can summon scythes, in just about any form her favorites are: [hider=Death Scythe] [img] [/img] [/hider] [hider=Kusarigama] [img] [/img] She can summon two of them [/hider] [hider=Scythe Sword (Ignore the person.)] [img] [/img] [/hider] Personality: Amara is a lot of things, passionate, quick tempered, and caring are three good ones. She is one of those people that always wants to do everything herself. She hate people getting in her way or trying to help her. But, at the same time, she is fiercely loyal and protective of those she calls friends. She can be overbearing at times and, despite trying to hide it, she is very socially awkward. She always trys to help, although she sometimes does more harm than good. She has never had many friends, which is why she is protective of the ones she has. Because of this, she often goes out of her way to help even strangers, originally hoping to make a friend, now its become more of a habit or a reflex. She hates people trying to help her, preferring to be more self-sufficient. She is not afraid to come out with her thoughts and say what she wants, which isn't always a good thing. She can be a little rash, charging in without thinking things through first; she is anything but timid. Bio: She was born with death. Her mother died giving birth to her. She was raised in the big city by her wealthy, loving father, who taught her to put others over herself from a young age. She did very well in school, being one of the top students in it. Despite this and her looks, she never made many friends, most of the people around her she saw as shallow and conceited. This lead to many painful and lonely times. Her one joy was her little half-brother. But in one year changed everything. Her half-brother died from an strange illness. Her stepmother died, and her best friend moved away. After that, Amara got even lonelier. Her grades dropped, she spent more time alone, she argued with her parent, she just withered. Eventually, her father tried to help by contacting her best friend's parents for a get together. They had a fun day at an amusement part and Amara finally came out of her shell. But, on the way back, all of them stopped at a small store to pick up some stuff and stretch their legs. They were on the way out when a man with a gun came in to rob the store. The obviously psychotic man got impatient and decided to shoot her friend. She saw his intent and attacked trying to stop him. He kicked her away and pointed his gun at her and pulled the trigger. At the last second, her father jumped in front of her and took the bullet. The unbalanced man went on a rampage and killed everyone there except her, because by the time he got to her, the police had arrived and shot and killed the man. a day after that indecent, Incubater came to her and offered a wish and a contract. Heartbroken, and her entire world shattered, she eagerly accepted. She became a Magical Girl, and she soon became known as the Death Seraph. Theme: [url=] Life is like a boat[/url] Other: She loves music of any type. She is very tomboyish. She has been a student of martial arts from a young age. She is an accomplished violinist and she carries one on her at all times. Her catchphrase is "You cannot stop Death." She uses foul language often.