Her agonizing screams didn't face the man what so ever. He calmly finished reading the page he was on in the book he was holding. He lifted the glass he was holding to his lips and drank from the deep red liquid. He soon lay the book on the small table next to his chair and stood up. He walked over to the bed, his eyes calmly resting on Elle where she lay. With his approach she would feep an immense, almost tangible aura streaming out from his very being. He sat down on the side of the bed, placing a hand around her cheek. With a soft, but demanding gesture he moved her head from side to side, seemingly to inspecting her. "Don't you feel better now, little flower? " he asked as his golden eyes moved down to her neck. Letting go of his grip around her cheek and let his thumb stroke the area where he had bitten her. Her wounds had nearly healed, but she was still a bit swollen. "I don't know if I should be insulted you don't recognize me at first glance. Don't you have portraits of me? Detailed descriptions?" he asked before standing up again. He walked over to a closet and opened it up. "My name is Vincent Silvercrest. And you, little flower, are in my mansion." Looking through the dresses that were hanging inside the closet, he soon pulled out a beautiful, emerald dress made out of satin. "I think green is your color." he said before walking back to the bed and placing it by her feet. "You should change your clothes. You still have blood stains on your own dress." he said. Voices could be heard from downstairs, a loud argument between what sounded like at least twenty different people. He closed his eyes for a second and sighed. "Stay here. If you wander, they will kill you." he said before walking to the double doors that were closing off his chambers. He opened them, walked out and closed the doors behind him again. "... pointless! She used to be a hunter! He has no right to do this!" Vincent walked down the stairs and looked at almost fifty people that had gathered in his mansion. Half of them were having an aggressive argument. He walked into the mass of people, most of them moving and giving way for him. He watched them, listened. They were all members of his clan. The ones arguing that it was a mistake taking Elle into the mansion, or even turning her, wasn't Vincents 'children'. Those were vampires brought in by people from his clan. "You seem to be forgetting your place, Aaron." Vincent threatened the most aggressive vampire with a dark and ashy voice.