[b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b] Doctor Elizabeth 'Betty' Sarah Manwaring [b][color=6ecff6]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=6ecff6]Works for Jurassic Park or Ingen:[/color][/b] InGen [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jnWihtW.png[/img][/center] [b][color=6ecff6]Personal History:[/color][/b][indent]As the daughter of a rich family Betty was given all the perks in life and access to the best education money could buy. Showing an aptitude for biochemistry Betty's original plan in life was to join a large pharmaceutical company, produce a few innovative vaccines and then retire to her family's Caribbean island with the knowledge she'd made the world a better place. However in the aftermath of the original Jurassic Park debacle InGen were desperate for as many experts as they could find capable of reverse engineering the materials left behind by the expired research teams, and when they came knocking the offer they made Betty was too good to pass up. Involved with the chimera project from its earliest days, Betty concentrated her work on the various harmful toxins and venoms produced by the prehistoric creatures and soon became one of the leading names in palaeotoxicology, a field of science which had never been very broad until living examples of the creatures involved were walking the Earth once more. Given virtually unrestricted access to the test subjects Betty soon found herself working alongside Specimen CDO-16479 and her sisters. Over several years Betty spent every waking hour pouring over the creature's secretions, learning everything there was to know about how the chimera's biochemistry worked, as well as how to adapt it for profitable use. With her research reaching an impasse, with almost everything there is to know about the Nellies discovered, patented and passed on for further commercial development, Betty finds herself in need of fresh 'materials' to work on, and sees the expedition as the opportunity to find new sources of commercial interest for her employers.[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b][indent]Although seemingly polite, cultured and well-mannered on the surface beneath the facade lies a conniving, traitorous bitch looking for the easiest ways to further her own career and future financial prospects independent of her family's backing. With little deep feeling for others Betty is more than comfortable to 'cuddle up' with any malleable individuals who are willing to respond to a little affection favourably, no matter what their background, race, creed or gender may be.[/indent] [hr] [b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b] Specimen CDO-16479. AKA 'Nellie-79' [b][color=6ecff6]Species:[/color][/b] Carnothnieliasaurus (Carnotaurus/Dilophosaurus/Othnielia chimera) [center][img]http://i41.servimg.com/u/f41/16/41/35/18/pic2212.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=6ecff6]History:[/color][/b][indent]One of a dozen hatchlings bred as part of InGen's 'alternate warfare' programme Nellie-79 was originally intended as nothing more than a toxin bank, providing unique chemical warfare options not available anywhere else in the world. Raised in captivity with limited social contact Nellie-79's closest 'friend' is Doctor Elizabeth Manwaring, the chief scientist in charge of the research programme studying her. Bonding with Betty at a very young age, and given little chance to learn about other humans, Nellie-79 is fiercely loyal to the scientist, despite receiving only a cool reception at best from a woman who sees her as little more than an animal.[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b][indent]Unused to dealing with humans and more at home inside a laboratory than out in the field Nellie-79 is nervous and skittish most of the time, and if it were not for her connection to Betty would most likely have run back onto the transport ship as soon as they arrived on the island, and remained there until the team was ready to take her home.[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Abilities:[/color][/b][list][*][b][i]Chameleonic Skin[/i][/b] - Nellie-79 has a relatively fast acting active pigmentation in her skin which allows her to blend in with virtually any surface. Although this reaction is normally emotionally driven, due to her nervous nature Nellie-79 is rarely seen in her true colour, instead constantly shifting from one shade to the next as she constantly attempts to conceal herself. [*][b][i]Venomous Spital[/i][/b] - Nellie-79 produces a paralyzing venom which is stored in special glands within her throat and which can be hurled upto 30ft when ejected. While the venom tends to be little more than an irritant to most humans unless delivered in high enough volumes, if contact is made with someones eyes it can lead to rapid, but temporary, blindness. [*][b][i]Hooking Claws[/i][/b] - Originally intended to help the Othnielia climb trees and hunt for herbivorous food in the canopies Nellie-79's large curved claws could serve just as well in trapping a large creature, such as a human, allowing her to apply her venom and devour them with ease. However given her timid nature it's unlikely she would ever do such a thing. [*][b][i]Omnivorous[/i][/b] - With a blended digestive system sharing aspects of the carnivorous Carnotaurus and Dilophosaurus as well as the herbivorous Othnielia Nellie-79 can theoretically eat just about anything with sufficient nutritional content. However having been raised in captivity she prefers to eat the pre-packed pet foods carried by Dr Manwaring whenever possible.[/list]