Rowan let out an amused little chuckle, patting Buttons' neck when she rested her big head on her shoulder. "I know," she purred affectionately, reaching her arm out towards the big guy. He leaned forward to take her outstretched hand and let out a yelp as she tugged him into the water head first. He splashed around for a moment before resurfacing and spitting water in her direction. She was laughing, the tease, and remounting Buttons to take off again. "I just got a rest!" Maddox whined, leaning on the bank. Rowan shrugged, kicking her feet and pulling back on the equinoc's ears so she reared. Maddox had to admit that his friend was attractive. She was like a bright ball of sunshine in an otherwise dismal plane. Her face screwed up in laughter, eyes squeezed shut, insane hair whipping about. Maddox had never been more in love. Although, he knew little about that feeling. He didn't think what he had with Rowan was a romantic type of love, either, but he'd never felt that, so he couldn't tell. The first time he felt anything for anyone other than Rowan, she had so strongly discouraged him that he dismissed it every time. Though women were beautiful and he was no virgin, he was slightly confused as to whether he was allowed to liked them or not. "Are you coming?" Rowan broke his train of thought as she slowed her steed to a trot. Maddox chuckled, sloshing out of the pool and shaking his hair out before taking off after them. This was their morning routine: get up before dawn, eat a not-so-nourishing breakfast of beans and potatoes (and peanut butter, in Maddy's case), and exercise before work. They still had hours before they needed to be anywhere, and Rowan liked to keep her friend in shape. He would run behind while she rode Buttons to random destinations. Today had been an oasis, which they would probably never find again.