[hider=Gaelic Maelstrom "Under Construction"] [center][URL=http://s1302.photobucket.com/user/TeufelsJarkopf/media/berserk_viking_by_overdrivezero-d34r576_zps8mz4z3zt.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag126/TeufelsJarkopf/berserk_viking_by_overdrivezero-d34r576_zps8mz4z3zt.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [u][b][color=f7941d][h1][center]Gaelic Maelstrom[/center][/h1] [h2][center]Champion of the Old Gods[/center][/h2][/color][/b][/u] [color=f7941d]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=f7941d][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color]: 38 [color=f7941d][u][b]Stature[/b][/u][/color]: Gaelic towers over most of his companions, standing nearly seven and a half feet tall. His build consists of Northern and battle-hardened muscular physique, mainly in thanks to the harsh conditions of the North and the warmongering way of life he follows. He has tremendously powerful limbs, allowing him to lift his massive greataxe and utilize its power without much effort. Outside of his armor, he isn't a handsome fellow; scars decorate his body and face due to the battles he has raged in. Long locks of golden hair, flowing freely and a jagged beard help cover most of the scarring. But his piercing, ice blue eyes are the give away of his battle-ridden past. [color=f7941d][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/color]: Male [color=f7941d][u][b]Armor[/b][/u][/color]: {Provided Below} 1.) Ancient Northerner Iron Helm; conceals and prevents blows, gives a menacing Northerner look. 2.) Northern Basilisk Leather Hauberk; sturdy protection against blades and the Northern creatures. 3.) Great Stag Fur Hand-Wraps; sure-grip and rugged against the bite of the Northern cold. 4.) Dire-Wolf Fur Leggings; flexible and reinforced against the cold of the Northern wilderness. 5.) Dire-Bear Fur Boots; tough and helps protect from the harsh weathers of Northern peaks. [color=f7941d][u][b]Clothing[/b][/u][/color]: {Provided Below} 1.) Roughskin Loincloth; covers his genitals. [color=f7941d][u][b]Weapon(s)[/b][/u][/color]: {Provided Below} 1.) Northerner's War Axe; double-handed, single-sided battleaxe, crafted from elder tree for the shaft and reinforced steel for the edge. 2.) Northerner's Tooth Pick; one-handed, double-sided shortsword, crafted from the black stone (Obsidian) of the Northern Mountains. The grip is wrapped with the leather strips of a Dire-Bear. [color=f7941d][u][b]Miscellaneous Item(s)[/b][/u][/color]: {Provided Below} 1.) Roughskin Satchel; allows the carrying of provisions for himself. 2.) Rune Scrolls; allows him to whisper ancient incantations to appease the Old Gods for favor in battle. 3.) Woad Paints; plant-based paints to decorate his body with woads before battle. [color=f7941d][u][b]Biography[/b][/u][/color]: Gaelic hails from the Northern Mountains, which have been home to his clan for many generations. All followed the same traditions as their forebear: men were warriors and hunters and the women bore children. Even though this patriarchal society was the dominant force, everyone was born a fighter and was raised as such. And it wasn't unknown for some women to be even fiercer warriors than some men; granting them the honorary title: Shieldmaiden. Gaelic's family within the clan was no different, his father was a great warrior and his mother was a beautiful Shieldmaiden. His life was "happy" in the comedic sense only a Northerner would understand. But that all changed when his village came under attack from an invading party flying the banner of the iron-city: Ishengard. Gaelic watched as all the warriors and shieldmaidens fought a valiant defense, but were ultimately defeated. The women and children too young or not strong enough to be warrior, were put to the sword. He was even forced to watch his own mother, alongside his mortally wounded father; be brutally tortured and raped to death by the invaders. This event triggered a deep-seated resent to the Ishengardian people, one of which would burn till later on in his life. Taken prisoner, Gaelic and the other boys of his clan were transported to the iron mines and forced into slave labor alongside others. This type of work however, helped the young lad grow strong and massive next to his fellow brothers-in-chains. Till chance came and the workers decided to revolt against their masters, resulting in the three-fourths of the laborers being slaughtered. Though winning a slim victory, they secured their freedoms and everyone made a break into the dense fir forests. Gaelic traveled north while everyone else went south, seeing there was nothing left to go home to in the Mountains. But he had a reason, a burning reason, to return to the place of his birth. Though when he arrived in his former home, he found it had been rebuilt and claimed by the rivaling clan to the west. The graveyard where he as a child had to help bury the dead, now had a home built atop. Falling to his knees and crying out in anguish, he drew the attention of the local Chieftain and was questioned to who he was. Gaelic, fueled by a deep anger, replied with hostility of who he was and that he was one of the last of his people. Reaching for a nearby war-axe, he was immediately placed into custody and escorted to the Chieftain's longhouse. Chained to the floor and writhing with rage, the older man watched and contemplated on what to do with the young lad. When Gaelic had calmed himself back down into a tear-stained misery, the lord questioned him on why he would return to such a place of sorrow. Gaelic gave his answer of seeking vengeance and fell silent, feeling helpless and unsure if his goal would ever be achieved. The Chieftain was moved by his devotion and offered to help with Gaelic's task, having had troubles with the Ishengardians himself. He offered training and the chance to exact revenge, but as long as Gaelic served him till the end. Seeing no other choice, he took the Chieftain's offer and was thrown out into the mountain's cold embrace. The training was brutal and the mountain's icy touch didn't give him solace, but Gaelic never gave up. Over time, the war-axe became an extension of his own body. Overcoming the environment and fight on equal terms with dire-beasts only strengthened his skills with the weapon and his body. And after what seemed an eternity, he was released into the wilds and tasked to never return to the village; only to live off the land and kill the Ishengardians coming up the mountain passes. He never argued as he packed his belongings and made his way into the woodlands for where he would spend his time defending. He thrived through the harsh landscape, building his shelter in the caverns where his ancestors worshiped the Old Gods. But while he was provided the food and water needed to survive by the land; Ishengardians never came threw his patrol routes. And for sometime, he became agitated and restless with his post; having not the ability to slay his enemies. Then one day, the Northerner left his post and went searching more to the iron-city's territory; hoping instigate a fight with whomever he crossed. [color=f7941d][u][b]Extra[/b][/u][/color]: Gaelic is considered by many to be the archetype Northern barbarian, who seeks nothing but battle and riches. His sole goal in life is to fight and die, hoping to gain favor with the Old Gods so they will welcome his spirit into their "Battlefield Afterlife." But before he does this, he is willing to do what fills every man with joy: get rich, slaughter his opponents, drink to his heart's content, and lay with as many maidens as possible. [/hider]