Bizbee? What a cute name. Ryann smiled and nodded approvingly at Dimitri’s choice in names, simply happy to see that someone cared enough to give the little critter such a right. She watched with curious eyes as it flapped its bony wings, though she didn’t much care for its chirping. The sharp sound of grinding, clicking bones bothered her ears, and made her wish for a moment that the little critter had just a bit more flesh so that it could produce a proper sound. Perhaps it would sound like a bird, she thought briefly. As the trio moved onward, Ryann found herself mostly keeping an eye on the tiny creature that sat on Herbert’s shoulder. She watched with obvious curiosity while it clung to the man’s jacket, casually noting all of its strange but charming features. It supplied a good distraction from the cold and wind, which hadn’t lessened its fierceness any in the time it took her to find companions. Had the situation been kinder, she might have been able to call the wind into submission, but sadly, it simply didn’t wish to listen to her today. She supposed her companions might have been happier had it listened. The taller fellow seemed especially bothered by it. She listened quietly to his foreign sounding curses, noting down the ones she found the most curious to ask about later. The sudden change in footing was barely noticed, thanks to how numb the tiny avian’s feet were by now, but she did note the thick stench of burnt meat and ash that began filling her nostrils. The knot inside her stomach suddenly doubled in size, and she found herself stopping just behind Dimitri, the doorway before them. She hesitated at first, watching Herbert head inside first, but eventually, something close to curiosity and panic made her feet move. She looped around Dimitri lightly, suddenly more aware of how sticky the ground was. Her eyes quickly found the charred forms that littered the ground—bodies, burnt a harsh black and curled into themselves like fetuses. Fire still licked at some of them, haphazardly left to burn in a few corners of the room. Then there was the center piece of the whole massacre, which left Ryann nearly reeling. A woman, torn open from the chest down and left to scream in silent agony, like some twisted piece of art. She reeked of death and something else, and left Ryann nearly choking on the knot in her stomach as it suddenly found its way to her throat. If there was ever a place she expected something nasty to be living, it was most certainly here, and that thought only added to the unease she felt for being in this place. Her small hands curled into the edges of her shirt, and she found herself scooting as far from the corpses as she could without ending up back outdoors. [i]"Hey. Am I interrupting? It looks like you've already got some introductions going on. I'm Will and this is Dzel- aside from that we'll just join the queue."[/i] She jumped when a new voice broke the silence, snapping her attention to the man and woman who’d just entered the alter room. Only one of them looked as out of sorts as the rest of them. A knight of some sort? Ryann had read about them in books before, but never met one. The other looked much more suited for this place, and for a second, she wondered if maybe he was the nasty thing that lived here. “Hello.” Ryann added shortly after Herbert’s greeting, followed by what she hoped wouldn’t be too shaky of a wave—she was wrong, but continued anyway, just to be polite. “That’s Dimitri” she pointed to the towering monk behind her a moment after Herbert’s last comment. “His name is Bert” she pointed towards Herbert while he wandered towards the center piece, unaware that she’d gotten his name wrong, “And I’m Ryann.” She ended introductions quickly and with her best attempt at a smile. She wasn’t exactly past the contents of the room, no, but she was perfectly content with accepting the distraction that suddenly walked into the room.