I'm not sure if there are a lot of fans of the series by Robert Jordan on here, but I've been craving a roleplay set in the Wheel of Time universe for a while now, so I figured why not? Before I go into any detail, I want to make it clear that [i]you do not need to have read the series or even be all that familiar with it to participate.[/i] This is because the ideas I have for this will not be incorporating any characters or events from the book series. [hider=Basic Info] For those of you who are entirely unfamiliar to the series, it is an epic fantasy series in the vein of the Lord of the Rings or, perhaps a bit more accurately, A Song of Ice and Fire. Though magic does exist in the world, it is populated almost exclusively by humans (i.e. no dwarves, elves, etc.). Though the magic in this world is known as the One Power, or the True Source, it is actually made up of two gender-specific halves, [i]Saidar[/i] (female) and [i]Saidin[/i] (male). These two halves are as different from one another as night and day, which means that women can't teach men anymore than a bird could teach a fish to fly and vice-versa. In order to use this magic, an action known as channeling, the individual, a Channeler, creates weaves, or flows, of the five different elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit) using the One Power. Simple tasks, like creating a fireball, usually only require one of the elements, while more complicated weaves, like controlling the weather, require the use of more than one. Each Channeler is usually stronger in one or two of the five elements than they are in the others, making some tasks easier than others. Men, in general, are stronger in Earth and Fire, while women tend to be stronger in Water and Air. Unless special action is taken to hide the weaves one is creating, other Channelers who use the same half of the One Power can see them as and after they are created. Once a weave has been created, the Channeler can choose to either tie it off, allowing it to be semi-permanent, or let go of it, causing it to vanish.[/hider] As for the roleplay itself, I have two basic ideas for the setting/plot: The first idea is that we roleplay the events at the end of the First Age, which is also known as modern day Earth. In this story, our characters would discover the ability to channel, trying to master their newly discovered abilities while attempting to evade those who would do them harm, like the government or the public at large. The second idea is that we roleplay the events at the end of the Fourth Age, which directly follows the book series itself. Though it's never been addressed in series, I figure that the best setting for the Fourth Age would be steampunkish in terms of technology and society. I just think it would be really fun to incorporate the magic system into a world like that. Though I have more ideas on where to take the plot in the first scenario, neither of them are entirely complete, so I will be looking for player discussion when it comes to developing the plot, which I feel makes the game more fun for everyone. :3 I would also like to mention that I will be looking for a co-GM to help me flesh out the plot and manage the game when life gets a little busy for me. And... I think that's it! :D Thanks a bunch for reading and be sure to let me know if you have any questions!