[img]http://palaeos.com/paleozoic/permian/images/Inostrancevia_DB.jpg[/img] [b][color=00aeef]Name[/color][/b]: Care staff and Island "residents" have taken to calling this individual "Pilate" [b][color=00aeef]Species[/color][/b]: [i]Inostrancevia alexandri[/i] (Family Gorgonopsidae) (Common Name- Gorgonopsid/Gorgon) [b][color=00aeef]Sex[/color][/b]: Male [b][color=00aeef]History[/color][/b]: Part of a second wave of genetic reconstruction, a brood of various Gorgonopsid species was created from a sample from several skulls and complete skeletons. However, much of the material had decayed beyond function due to age, and having no amber based blood on record, only the samples of [i]I. alexandri[/i] were able to be used. Due to their mammal-like body structure, genetic material of the thylacine ([i]Thylacinus cynocephalus[/i]) was used to stabilize skeletal structure and prevent loss of life due to large sized fangs obstructing jaw function. This resulted in a strange stripe pattern on the backs of the majority of samples in a patch of fur which had the illusory effect of vanishing and reappearing when viewed from various angles. This phenomenon is normal and is only a result of the varied pigmentation of the patch fur. Born after the DX prion event of the past, Pilate is part of a group of Gorgons who were released into the wild under surveillance in order to observe habitat and behavior preferences for a future re-opening of a Jurassic Park. Due to a lengthy (unaccelerated) growth cycle and the aforementioned difficulty of egg generation, no adults were available for exhibition in Jurassic World. [b][color=00aeef]Personality[/color][/b]: Pilate is a rather elusive individual. Lacking a social hierarchy in the species, he is often alone, and while he does not show aggression towards others of his species, they also do not work together, nor care for their young. Pilate was named when he was observed by a "villager" taking a drink from a river after making a kill, seeming to wash the blood from his fangs to a rather dramatic effect. Pilate tends to avoid human contact, and takes single kills of medium to large animals by way of ambush. Despite his large size, Pilate occasionally devours only select organs of an animal, leaving a mauled and maimed corpse behind. [color=00aeef][b]Assets[/b][/color]: [list][*][b]Ambush Predation-[/b] Pilate shows extreme patience, lieing in wait for prey items to approach, as opposed to expending energy in pursuing aforementioned prey over large distances. As a result, Pilate can deliver devastating strikes in a short period of time, but may falter in long "combat" situations with similarly equipped animals. [*][b]Heterodont-[/b] As a Gorgonopsid, Pilate has large "killing teeth", and smaller "eating teeth". This unique (for a reptile) dentition allows for the puncturing capability of extremely large claws or teeth, without the hindrance of multiple large teeth in his head or over-sized claws. Subject's jaws are able to open at an angle which exceeds 90 degrees, and approaches 180 degrees. [*][b]Mammaloid Skeleton-[/b] Key features of the Gorgonopsid skeleton include the location of limbs beneath the body, as opposed to at the sides- allowing for more efficient carrying of weight and more swift locomotion, and a more uniform jaw bone, creating slightly fewer stress points than a multi-boned reptile jaw. [*][b]Scent Hunter-[/b] Pilate relies on a keen sense of smell as opposed to sight in order to locate prey. [*][b]Illusory Fur-[/b] While not an inherent advantage, the unique characteristics of the subject's fur cause doubt as to what has been seen in humans, resulting in a greater likelihood of his presence being discounted if seen from great enough distance. Stripes may serve as mild camouflage in low light or to subjects with a low chromatic sight, or in grassy areas.[/list] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/057/e/d/Carnotaurus_by_darth_jurious.jpg[/img] [sup]Projected Adult Shape[/sup] [b][color=00aeef]Name[/color][/b]: PTM-X St27-D (shorthand: St27) [b][color=00aeef]Species[/color][/b]: PTM-X 007-D ([i]Carnotaurus sastrei G[/i]) ("Superisaur") [b][color=00aeef]Sex[/color][/b]: Aggression in the developed individuals renders sexing difficult. [b][color=00aeef]History[/color][/b]: Under the same impetus as the Indominus Rex, a secondary contract was drafted by InGen for a specimen which could be weaponized. One of these results was dubbed PTM-X 007-D. PTM-X 007-D is a large theropod species derived from raw DNA of the species [i]Carnotaurus sastrei[/i], which was harvested by Masrani Global using improved genomic sequencing techniques discovered near the end of Dr. Hammond's life. As a result, the base Carnotaur which had been produced, while not as visually interesting as the ones previously brooded, exhibited a much more lively and lethal behavior pattern. Contracts were drafted and [REDACTED] was infused during its respective genomic reconstruction in order to encourage the development of both visually appealing coloration for exhibition and slightly more pronounced forelimbs with larger "hands". In order to promote survivability in various climates, as well as strengthen the head crest to remove vulnerability, genetic material from the [REDACTED] beetle was vectorized and applied. Due to the effectiveness of [i]I. Rex[/i], heat pitting was reconstructed using [i]Protobothrops mangshanensis[/i]. In order to more easily manipulate size variations, and to promote resistance to infection, [i]Varanus[/i] [[i]REDACTED[/i]] samples were added due to significant isolation of "island gigantism". Behavioral analysis of immature samples and single adult specimen in progress. Inconclusive results. Field experiment authorized. [b][color=00aeef]Personality[/color][/b]: Subject exhibits curiosity, but often rejects newly introduced objects in a violent manner. Often seems disoriented. Further studies required to differentiate individual from species "breed standard". [color=00aeef][b]Assets[/b][/color]: [list][*][b]Fast Theropod-[/b] Subject exhibits a lithe body and strong legs which result in a speed greater than even larger dinosaurs. [*][b]Head Plating-[/b] A combination of horns and anomalous plating have formed a helmet like growth on the subject's head. The thickness of neck muscles in the base species results in the capability for sustained ramming and deflections of blows to the head. [*][b]Disease Resistance-[/b] As a result of samples utilized from [i]V. komodoensis[/i], a resistance to sepsis and toxic diseases, specifically those of a bacterial nature, has been developed. As a result, a host for various bacteria and toxins is made, wherein no ill effects of short term exposure to poison, or long term exposure to bacteria, is suffered. [*][b]Nasal Pitting-[/b] Strains from [i]P. mangshanensis[/i] were utilized to recreate thermal pitting for efficient prey location. [*][b]Chaotic Chemical Emission-[/b] Subject has developed conical fang like growths within the mouth, which seem capable of rapidly discharging a violent chemical reaction. Said reaction, while never recorded, seems to disorient thermal-olfactory sensation in the subject. [*][b]Climate Resistance-[/b] Samples from [i]P. verticalis[/i] were utilized to grant favorability in all but extreme polar climates. [*][b]Plated Thick Skin-[/b] Subject's skin displays typical scale plating of [i]C. sastrei[/i] of unusual thickness and durability. Skin is increasedly flexible and durable.[/list] [Hider=Boo][img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/de24/th/pre/i/2014/179/0/0/digimon___greymon_by_raph04art-d7ocvrt.jpg[/img][/hider] ---------- [img]http://www.theanimegallery.com/data/thumbs/790px/0105/tAG_105589.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Known simply as "Hermes" [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Employment:[/b] InGen [b]History:[/b] With the departure of Dr. Wu from the islands, a single unknown lab tech took control of the Isla Sorna facility. Using a rather loose relation to his former work at the park, "Hermes", as he is now addressed, tasked himself with the runnings of Isla Sorna, observing the dinosaurs there and waiting the arrival of the others in the lab. Not much is known of his life outside of the facility. [b]Personality:[/b] Hermes is rather calm and collected, if not slightly eccentric. He seems to have an emotional side, but it is rather hidden from others. His interests mainly seem to lie in the behaviors and interactions of and between the dinosaurs. He does seem somewhat sentimental, but no one can get close enough to ask, or even see him recently.