Oh, you do? Thank you. I'll admit, I sorta really like thylacines, which is why I used it as the reconstruction aid for the Gorgonopsid. That and it's a marsupial, and a non-placental mammal would be a better fit than a relatively modern species, yeah? Oh, and I added something to Pilate's dentition. It's rather interesting, but I want your okay on it. Oh, and thanks [@Genni], your Cs's organization was so nice looking that I thought I would take a page out of your book and use it for mine. Hope you don't mind. And- anyone who wants to can run into a Gorgonopsid at whatever time, and since they're not pack animals, it won't matter what happens as long as it's not Pilate. Shame I won't get to have an Archeopteryx around though. Maybe with my human character?