[h2]Izayoi City - [color=00aeef]Tommy Sparks[/color][/h2] [b]"I think not yet, young man.If there's conversation to be had, this ruffian is a part of it. At the very least he owes you an apology for his rude behavior."[/b] An older man was checking on the banana-man and wanted to make him and Tommy to make some kind of amends. Tommy did feel a bit nervous, partly out of fear that the banana-man would retaliate violently if he stayed, but Tommy honestly didn't feel like he was in the wrong. [color=00aeef]"No thanks, sir. I don't wanna be around that guy for any longer than I have to and besides, he's going to be fuming once he's properly awake."[/color] Tommy's hands were all of a sudden grabbed by his savior and the friend of the 'YoYo', almost falling over in the process only Tommy scrambling to keep pace stopped him. The friend of 'YoYo' seemed to be leading him off somewhere else. It was an odd feeling being grabbed like this, he hadn't been dragged along like this since his parents took the family to the zoo when he was six. Tommy briefly considered resisting since it made him feel like even more of a child, but since he did owe them a lot Tommy swallowed his pride. It took a moment before Tommy realised something important about grabbing some food. [color=00aeef]"Where we headed? I've only got enough change for about maybe three more pinball games."[/color]