[i][color=c4df9b][h1]Almira[/h1][/color][/i] [i][color=lightgray]The winds howled as the violent sandstorm picked up. "Ahmir!" Almira called out frantically. Vision was practically non-existent at that point, and one could not look up to further than 3 feet in all directions. The young girl cursed as her shawl was carried away by a strong gust of wind that managed to unravel the cloth that was tightly wrapped around her waist. One level of defense, gone. The depths of the sand increased rapidly as the particles were thrown around aimlessly, causing her feet to sink through the fine layers of grain more than just slightly. This was a worry, but nonetheless but she had to find her friend. Through the grainy walls of sand she noticed the sun's light penetrating even weaker than before. Night was coming. Fast. Almira held out her hands in front of her in a desperate attempt to feel her surroundings, as her peripheral vision was only limited to a few inches ahead of her. Earlier, Ahmir had left her in search of water and rosemary, a herb too rare to find in that type of climate-- but he sensed her desperation as she wanted more flavor to her food than just saltiness. Without a sound, he set off while she slept through the night. Now, she was scared, alone, and worried... more for her companion than anything else. As the sun dipped lower towards the horizon, her restlessness grew- along with the intensity of the dry storm.[/color] [/i] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [i][h2][color=a2d39c]Ahmir[/color][/h2][/i] [i][color=gray]The gargantuan reptile hurriedly scuttered along the arenaceous landscape. His master was calling out to him, and he must not disappoint. The lizard flicked his antennae towards the sky, detecting the pertaining sound waves that echoed around the distant barrenness of the Orthian desert. After hearing a familiar sound, the creature adjusted himself into a stance and began to skip across the terrain towards it.[/color][/i]