[hider=NSOA-02] [b]NAME:[/b] NSOA-02 "Harpe" (Human Designation: Kamakura Kōshō) [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]ARCANA:[/b] Death [b]AGE:[/b] 2 Years and 10 Months [b]CIVILIAN MODE:[/b] Appearing to the majority of the world as an athletic-looking late teenager/young woman of western European descent, the most defining aspect of "Harpe" is its neon pink hair, which is floofy in appearance, descending to just past its neck much like the hairstyles favoured by women during the 1980s. At a height of a metre seventy, the weapon cuts an aesthetically-pleasing yet intimidating figure, possessing sharp emerald-green eyes, a defined nose, touch of lipstick and sharp chin. Its medium bust, lightly-tanned fake skin, as well as legs and arms of a reasonably powerful appearance further emphasise its athletic build. Though seemingly-indistinguishable from the standard human, there are certain parts of "Harpe" that belie its identity as an Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon: the hefty black "wristbands" are in actuality part of its arm, providing support for its wrist area and storing mechanical components for its weapons within; two boosters are built into the area near the joints between legs and torso in a similar manner to the last of Kirijo Corporation's original batch of androids, Aegis, and can extend and retract behind a cyan covering; the kneecaps are protected by golden coverings that ensure safety (and prevent damage from its ability to rotate its lower legs around); its neck is always covered by its turtleneck to hide a emerald circlet that surrounds its neck (and when the turtleneck is unavailable, the scarf or just a simple choker); and its "feet" are also merely extensions that assist in daily life, as the unit is capable of functioning without them (and has retractable rollerskates within. The golden and green headband present on its head is also a sign of its inhumanity, being an element common amongst older models. When in disguise amongst the human populace, "Harpe" wears the standard garb expected of females around the projected age of her appearance, and can vary from day to day (though always covering the majority of its body in order to obscure its robotic nature). However, it has displayed an attachment to a grey turtleneck, yellow scarf, navy-blue jeans and white runners combination that serves as its "signature" outfit, and when attending classes will don the uniform enshrined in the rules of regulations of the school it has been assigned to. [b]COMBAT MODE:[/b] When engaged in combat with entities possessing hostile intentions towards humanity, the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon's "headband" opens up to reveal its inbuilt guns, and discards the clothing and most of the fake skin on its body it wears to disguise itself in human society for the grey-white metal body beneath, which is mostly featureless excepting its black gauntleted hands and a combat vest-like attachment that serves to add an extra layer of protection. However, it is not necessary for "Harpe" to function in combat exclusively in this state, and can still act in battle in its human disguise, though at the risk of damaging its fake skin and clothing. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] The AI software installed in NSOA-02 is subject to a higher number of bugs in comparison to its fellow Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons. This is due to the usage of the destroyed NSOA-01 prototype's salvaged code to develop the personality matrix of the 02 unit, which, while not majorly detrimental to its functioning, has led to it obtaining certain quirks, such as constant mood swings between a dry, understated and overly literal view of the world to slightly cheerier and mildly aggressive personality. It is prone to minor hiccups in its actions, sometimes taking longer to parse sentences or find the right words due to funnelling all data input through what is essentially two semi-merged personalities. As such, it appears to be a bit erratic when dealing with other beings, though not so much that it can be perceived as more than simply a girl prone to distraction. "Harpe" is particularly amiable to those who approach it for assistance, and is surprisingly willing to engage in all sorts of activities with those that consider it a friend. It does not possess any real interests, but simply follows the lead of others unless it involves danger and combat, in which it will seek immediately to ensure the safety of all participants. Protectiveness for others is something that is constantly displays, and can be quite energetic in pursuing its goals. The bugs in its programming have also provided it with certain verbal tics, such as a constant need to add an "eh" to the end of every spoken sentence, and speaks in a quite noticeable Satsuma accent (and also possesses understanding of the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagoshima_dialect]Satsugu dialect[/url]) due to its voice having been based upon the Kagoshima-born wife of one of its programmers. Despite being surprisingly human in personality, one must not forget that the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon is at its core still a machine, and follows the maxim of "garbage in, garbage out" that programs do. It can be rather passive depending on the situation, and is mostly reactive to the data input of others. Indeed, its directives of "protecting humans" and "destroying Shadows" are simple for its programming to parse, but "live life" is one that is far more difficult, and it struggles to follow this order in the most effective manner. NSOA-02 was developed to be more basic than NSOA-01, but the clear bleedthrough of the prototype's coding is evident in how the "Harpe" unit reacts to all facets of life as a human. [b]ARMAMENTS:[/b] [list] [*][i]KM2005S[/i] - A variation of the standard combat knife of the German Bundeswehr, the KM2005S is an especially durable sword-sickle (90cm in length) built into NSOA-02's right arm, capable of being extended at will to deal with any apparent threats. When retracted, it is capable of folding in on itself, leaving no trace of NSOA-02's weapons. [*][i]NSOA "Raffica" E/B[/i] - Integrated into NSOA-02's head are small, hidden machine guns capable of selective-fire, providing the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon with mid-range battle capabilities against supernatural entities. They utilise [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9%C3%9719mm_Parabellum]9x19mm Parabellum Cartridges[/url]. [*][i]Kirijo Group LaWS P/Neutralisation "Perseus"[/i] - In conjunction with the United States' [url=http://www.kratosdefense.com/]Kratos Defense & Security Systems[/url], the P/Neutralisation is the first foray into a portable variant of the USN's existing [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_Weapon_System]LaWS[/url] directed-energy weapon, feeding directly off the immense power provided to an Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon by the Plumes of Dusk that make up their Papillion Heart. In the "Harpe" unit, the P/Neutralisation is embedded into the palm of its left hand, hidden behind an opening covered in fake skin. Due to its expensive input requirements, it can only be utilised roughly seven times before forcing its wielder into a state of hibernation in order to conserve energy and avoid complete shut-down. [/list] [b]PERSONA PROGRAM:[/b] Medusa [b]PERSONA APPLICATIONS:[/b] [list] [*]Frei [*]Stone Gaze [*]Estoma [/list] [b]UNIT ABILITY:[/b] Due to integrated optics present within its artificial pink hair, the "Harpe" unit is provided with a full 360 degree view of its surroundings, providing it with immense tactical benefit, and also make it so that its mechanical eyes can be redundant. Said eyes can also serve as a lamp and projector (due to the presence of an USB 2.0 port in its back that can play pirated movies, which, along with its wireless capabilities, also allows its data to be backed up in case it is destroyed in battle).[/hider]