[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjRkMWFmZi5RMkZ6YzJsMWN5QkVaVzV1YVhNLC4w/qwigley.regular.png[/img] Tagged; [@ElitestPotato] [@The Fated Fallen] [@notdeadyet] Being ignored by the individuals didn't really perturb Cassius thought it did slightly serve to irritate, with a shrug he just followed them, [i][color=#2E64FE]Not the nicest of people are they?[/color][/i] After minutes of hushed talking and sped walking, they arrived at the shop. The sign wavering back and fro, he noted the sweet scent permeating his nose as soon as he entered, [i][color=#2E64FE]Seems like this place is well maintained.[/color][/i] Clutching his arm again, the gnome had asked something about food, to which he opened his mouth but closed it again, seeing as he would probably just get ignored and with another shrug, he rest his back on one of the walls, and folding his arms. He had let the lady who seemingly had a bleeding hand which allegedly was claimed to be bleeding more than a cut by a sword. Trying to give a gesture of niceness, he sat back and let her go first, silently watching with his azure blue eyes and a vexed look while pulling his hood down and trying to dismiss the worsening pain.