[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmY4MjgyNS5UV0YwZEdobGR5Qk5aWEpqWlhJLC4w/cat-childs.regular.png[/img] | His consciousness violently lapsing back and forth, he was luckily awake when the agent whom he had pushed away was barking him orders. Not having enough energy rebuke her for giving her orders, he only silently nodded and weakly said [color=#FE2E2E]"Al- Alright."[/color] Prepping himself to stand properly, he felt extremely lightheaded. [i][color=#FE2E2E]Seems like he got me worse than I thought.[/color][/i] he thought, grabbing his bow while turning on his voice modulator, [b][color=#FE2E2E]"HEY, UGLY, ALL THAT POWER AND YOU STILL COULDN'T BRING ME DOWN? PATHETIC.[/color][/b] he shouted while mockingly laughing at the hulking figure. Right as he said that, three shots resounded the building, with one hitting one of the grenades the villain, Flashbang, had. It caused a chain reaction and made everything explode in a flash of light, to which Matthew covered his eyes again. It had knocked down the figure. Aiming his bow and arming them with his especially sharpened arrowheads he shot two on his hands and feet, trying to keep him down. Falling downwards and roughly breathing, he just watched with pained eyes as the scene unfolded.