[hider=Guardians-withdrawn] NAME: COCIDIUS SPECIES: Hydrenians Quote: Forgive the ill that we have done Forgive the pride that we have shown Forgive the words that have caused harm that we might sleep peaceably [hider=Info +] Name: COCIDIUS Race/Species: Hydrenians/ Menimia-MerFolk [i](This breed of merfolk can survive on both land and at sea, while on land they are significantly weaker because its hard for them to breath as they have smaller lungs it is possible for them to go upto 7 Days without returning to the water as long as they stay hydrated and unlike other Merfolk the Menimia are born with two boned tails that with practice can function as normal legs just as mammal learns to walk so must the Menimia-Merfolk)[/i] Age: Hydrienian age - 18 Equivalent of 34 human years Appearance: [img]http://s3.gatheringmagic.com/uploads/2015/03/04/NV_6.jpg[/img] As mentioned before Menimia-Merfolk have two tail that have bones running through all the way to the end, their tail fins resemble that of Duck feet. They also posses four ears, two adapted for surface use, much like their lungs, these are significantly weaker. however their underwater hearing is impeccable, they are able to hear upto 34 leagues away. Height/Length: 10ft Weight: 320 pounds Eye color: Green/blue - changes to red when angry Hair/Scale/Feather color: Blue/Green/Yellow - see picture above Medical History: COCIDIUS is mostly in good health, Though he is deft in one ear, this only affects his hearing on land/above the water. He does have a few scars and missing scales but nothing serious to warrant worry Bio: COCIDIUS was born to a family that was known for their love of nature and creatures, they loved to spend every moment cataloging every creature they came across, studying them for weeks or even months, they would never harm or attempt to capture, just observe and learn. They believe that every creature no matter how big or small had its place they knew that each creature did what it did to survive nothing more nothing less, COCIDIUS wanted to do the same as his family, but instead of studying sea creatures he wanted to study those on land and in small rivers and lakes, he wanted to know how others lived, what traditions they had how they hunted, But most of all he wanted to study dragons, there had been tales as old as the sea of dragons that could swim faster than the current that could change the flow of the tide instantly. For the next few years before he came of age he trained to be able to walk on land and breath the air, like many of the Menimia-Merfolk who had gone on land before be it to trade or to explore. It was grooling and painful but after months of training he was ready. As is accustomed for his kind his father fashioned him some armour made out of Chitin seaweed and Tar, Personality: COCIDIUS is a dedicated driven individual like all Hydrenians, he didn't believe that violence was necessary, even when hunting animals If a kill can not be made with one blow then there is no point to kill. He is very inquisitive and will often try to look deeper into things to try and learn more about it. Attitude: There is so much for him to learn, he is very excited about what he is about to discover Languages: English, southern Merfolk-ish {Note: include appearance traits for their other form, if they have one} [/hider] NAME: Calder SPECIES: Hydrenians Quote: My precious [hider=Info +] Name: Calder Aquarius Race/Species: draco calopteryx (amphibious dragonfly) This type of creature has no vocal cords Age: Unknown - 18 human years Appearance: [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/e308/th/pre/i/2015/122/3/0/dragonfly_draco_calopteryx_by_thaliaangel91-d2la96q.jpg[/img] Height/Length: Height - 3CM length- 15CM Weight: 2 pounds Eye color: light blue Hair/Scale/Feather color: blue and green Medical History: No injuries or health issues that are known Bio: Calder Aquarius was chosen to be COCIDIUS Life partner; As is custom for COCIDIUS family they was paired the day they was both born as it was believed that they would share a stronger bond. Calder helps COCIDIUS by scouting ahead looking for interesting things though Calder is easily distracted by things that are shiny and will pester COCIDIUS to take a look at it and pick it up to take back to their home. Personality: Calder lives to help COCIDIUS, Calder is very energetic and more often anot can be found darting about underwater searching for plankton to eat or things that are shiny Attitude: This is rather unknown as Calder doesn't have any vocal cords so can not tell COCIDIUS what it thinks, but siny things seem to be a big draw to him so maybe it's the collection of all things shiny Languages: As mentioned before draco calopteryx don't have vocal cords so instead communicate by tapping their tails and feet. [/hider] [/hider]