Athinar grunted at the darkwraith briefly, not giving much attention to the gaunt figure. He didn't care much for the creatures, for if they got to someone before Athinar, it just wasn't as [i]gratifying[/i] to draw blood. Also, they didn't really bleed themselves, just kind of [i]oozed.[/i] However, his actions perked Athinar's interest. As the black sword pierced the man's chest, droplets of blood splattered over Athinar's helmet and chest, causing his eyes to dilate and nostrils to flare. The metallic scent hung in the air between them, allowing Kor to start a conversation easier. [color=FireBrick][b]"Yeah, they're a bunch of little pansies who haven't seen a real bloodbath before." [/b][/color] Athinar cracked his knuckles and stood casually, noting that excepting the other servants of the Boss, the village was devoid of activity. Then, that one fire demon, Torrens, his name was, came out, on fire, and the blacksmith following. Athinar's eyes narrowed as Torrens pointed directly at him, and the little blacksmith scampered his way. When the small man reached him, terrified and out of breath, he gasped, to Athinar, "I was t-told th-that y-you'd spare me if I gave myself u-up! Please, don't kill me!" Athinar growled at the smith, causing even the militiamen in chains to shift nervously. [color=FireBrick][b]"I'd prefer to cut you and your friends down here right now, but since my Boss told me to not to, I guess you can go with your friends back there." [/b][/color] The blacksmith broke out in a sweat, and thanked Athinar profusely. Rolling his eyes, Athinar bitch slapped him across the face with his gauntlet, not hard enough to snap his neck, but hard enough to break his jaw and draw blood. Clapping the irons around his wrist, he pulled himself close, breathing into his ear. [color=FireBrick][b]"Make no mistake, little man, by the time we're through with you, you'll WISH you were dead."[/b][/color] Kicking him to the back of the line, Athinar let him lie on the ground for the time being. Almost as if he could [i]sense[/i] his name being spoken, he felt his eyes drawn to Clotho, the bug woman gaining all his attention. She was hovering next to Azavarn and two other demons, in conversation. The way her chitin glistened fascinated Athinar. It was nothing like anything he had seen before. Watching her as she flew to the center of the village, where Torrens and the homunculus were, Athinar sized up the situation, bloodlust sated briefly by violence. The homunculus was summoning some.... magical thing, Torrens was trying to talk to her, and now Clotho was as well. Athinar turned to Kor and said, [color=FireBrick][b]"Wonder what's going on down there. Dunno what that construct is doing, but whatever it is, it's got the attention of Flamebrain and Bug-arse."[/b][/color]