[@karamonnom] Luke looked at Alice and shook his head. [color=gray]"No problem."[/color] Luke began to make his way to the car, an waved at Adam and Adelisa, goodbye. Once Luke got near the car, he pushed a button on the electronic lock, making the car unlock all of the doors. He then hurried to Alice's side of the car where she was going to seat. [color=gray]"My Parents always used to say, Always open the door for a lady, no matter who she is.."[/color] Luke reached for the door and opened it for Alice. It was the obvious thing to do anyways, not because he liked her, but because it was correct. Luke felt his phone vibrate. He grabbed it and flipped it open. It appeared he had one event coming up, and it was on the same day of the Birthday party. It was Kendo nationals. [i]Crap! I completely forgot about that.....[/i] Luke then closed his phone and turned it off, and put it away.