Bessie had quietly packed her two roll along suitcases and a duffle bag for her tutoring duty. She was not ever given a clear answer why she was chosen. Outside of her great grades but that is another subject. The reason why she was chosen had nothing to with her grades but with her introvertedness. She prefers books and crafts to associate with some people who are so loud and can’t sit still. Bessie hated excessive noise and people asking stupid questions like why her hair was all white and why she flinches when someone is loud. And now she had to face new people and these new people were boys which in her own opinion were the worse offending people she ever knew. Another thing…. These are not the normal type boys since they are being trained by one of the girls. They were being housed in the Apartment Complex which is usually reserved for Academy guests. These guys must have a few serious problems if she was to guess….. With a loud heavy sigh, Bessie began to pull her two suitcases out of her room to face a dreaded ordeal of tutoring. As she left she heard all of the chatter of the girls and knew that Hermonia’s fan club was around the corner. Bessie carefully went around the group of girls without a mishap. Once Bessie was outside with her suitcases, she looked for the bus. It was off to one side waiting for them. Academy Island was a small island but students come here for a reason. Which is why there was a lot of staff around. Each student had a problem of one sort or another. This academy vows to bring out the best of each student or the student would not be leaving the Academy. What ever that meant. Of course, the older students spoke of rumors of various kinds but Bessie rarely listen to them. She climbed into to the bus to wait for the other four to join her. She chose a seat in the back and sat in the corner with a book in her hands to entertain her while she waited.