Tamirlan was glad that the others seemingly enjoyed the company of their summoncreatures. The summoner often contemplated the existence of the summons. Were they god given mirrors of their masters? To humble and enlighten the soul? Or were they simply just convenient companions? The summoner refused to believe that last thought. He sounded too much like Roque with that course of thought. Beside him Roque, feeling as if introductions were sufficient, spoke to the group, "Now that you've been acquainted- its time for the first assessment." He stepped forward and pointed to each student as he called their name, "Altea, Sai, and Jobain-" he jerked his thumb to his chest, "you're with me. The others are with Tamirlan." The summoner smiled and explained, gesturing to the path behind them that lead to the forest, "We will be heading out into the Degar- to regulate the number of cursed creatures that have strayed too close to the city. Please, follow us while we explain." Both instructors turned and began to head on down the path leading out of the village. The massive Carthanach opened a yellow eye and lumbered to his paws, following Roque with heavy foot. Towns folk stepped out of their way and, after seeing them headed toward the forest, bid them all safe venture and safe return. "Our targets are a troupe of Acalypha spiders. Beasts the size of common cattle yet not nearly as docile. Ten to fifteen of them have been spotted near our boarders. This quest has been commissioned by the townhall- the pay should be enough for your room and board for the next week." Here Roque spoke up, just as they left the safety of the village and steered off of the main road. The trees here were blooming with flowers- soon fruits would begin to grow in their stead. "The Acalypha used to dine on the fruits of these trees- but the past couple of months have shown a change in their appetites. Now they eat flesh. Its our jobs as craftknights to regulate the population of the creatures in the forest and end the cursed creatures." Tamirlan cleared his throat, "Well- not exactly obliterate. The Order is currently undertaking research into the origin of the curse. To find any method possible to reverse its affects." They both stopped and turned toward one another. Roque rubbed his nose, one hand on a hip as he leaned on one leg, looking off past Tamirlans shoulder, "After this lets eat at the tavern. We'll explain their sleeping quarters and the other important stuff then." A nod of approval came from Tamir, who's arms were tucked into his cloak as he crossed them infront of him. Nearby, the trees rustled with the weight of the spiders. At the moment they were out of sight but one could clearly sense their presence and hear them. Carthanach grumbled harshly. Roque turned toward the group, "Allow me to show you how a craftknight and their summon beast work in battle." He stepped toward Carthanach and pressed his had to his creatures side. Roque spoke to the group as he went through the motions, "My beast and I are one. We inhale the same breath. Our hearts beat to the same rhythm. So when we fight- I feel his pain and he feels my own. We are creatures driven by rage. Anger and wrath are our weapons." Carthanachs jaw hung open, from his teeth saliva dripped down to the earth, which hissed and evaporated. The hyena monsters mouth was dripping acid. Roque's yellow eyes took on a strange glow to them- which wouldnt have been all that odd- had Carthanachs eyes not begun to glow also. Their movements synched. As one moved the other mirrored his step. Roque unhooked his axe from his side and pointed it up to a tree- reflexively Carthanach stood on his hind legs and smacked with one huge paw at the tree. An acalypha fell out, screeching. The craftknight sprang forth with his beast. Roque pinned down a leg with his axe, shoving a foot into the spiders face as Carthanach fell ontop of the acalypha, pinning its body with his weight. Both began to rend and hack at the spiders body. Roque, using his axe, and Carthanach using his claws and teeth. A minute had barely come to pass when Roque stepped away, his armor plastered with spider blood. "The goal is to work with your beast not as a team- but as an extension of yourself. The same goes for your weapons. I hope you all have come prepared for the fight." Tamirlan wiped some stray spider blood off of his cheek, "Roque's fighting style is very much hands-on. Mine, however, is not. TARANx and I will show you how we work together." The summoner made some fluid motions with his hands and a bright light sprang from his palms. The orb shot out and at once took on the form of robot- shaped like a man. TARANx's eye burned red, he bowed to the group, "Goodday~" He said politely, his voice fashioned to sound like an Englishman. From a hip compartment the robot drew a rapier, which lengthened and fixed itself to his hand. Tamirlan grinned, "TARANx, good friend, we are hunting Acalypha spiders. Demonstrating to the students and their companions here how to use their abilities." The android nodded, bringing a hand up to rub his chin, "I see. Then let us show them some basic thunder attacks, hm?" "Yes that would be a good start." Came the summoners reply. They both stepped forward and looked up toward the trees. TARANx scanned the trees, "My sensors have picked up 10 others. All agitated at their fallen comrade. Dangerous encounter rates are well above 70%, lethality of the situation is 40%." Tamirlan was surprised, "Oh my- those numbers are rather high." The android shook his head, "I analyzed for the children. For us, success rate is well above 90 percent." Tamirlan nodded, growing serious as he noticed a spider drop from a tree and begin to approach them at a run. The summoner and his creature fell into a battle stance- at once TARANx's blade began to pulse with electricity. "End its misery quickly, TARANx. I sense its suffering." Spoke the summoner. The android struck out once and a belt of lightening whipped out from the blade and sliced the spider in two. He then turned to his master and bowed his head, "Demonstration complete." The instructors looked at the children but Roque spoke for them both, "Our involvement here has come to an end. We're going to watch from this point on. The point is to see how you work with your creatures. [b]Kill the rest of the spiders and then we'll head back into town[/b]."