Emily finished her song, thankfully almost done by the time the fire creature - Torrens, she thought his name was, and his nature was certainly interesting to the point Emily would have to see how he dealt with Empyrean at a later date - came down to speak with her. He complimented her songe, which Emily always liked. So few of the Keeper's minions appricated her singing talents. And then he asked what the run did, as it held a pulse for several seconds, and then sank into the ground. "It's both a beacon and a gate" She explained, before the bug-woman also appeared, just in time for the first Fire Spirit to fly out of the ground. There was no giant eruption, no ripping of the earth, no disterbance of any kind, since the spirits where not physical enough to do anything on this plane. And then more came, around thirty in all aproximation, from all over the village, everywhere the rune had encompassed. The Fire Spirits where very close to the human's idea of a 'demon'. Firy, legless beings with a hot-headed nature and rather erratic flight patterns, they could be rather intimidating to one that did not know them. However, they ignored the three on the ground - as per Emily's instruction - and instead went for the cadavers. The spirits could clearly be seen scrapping with each other for who could inhabit the limited number of souless husks, and so some where inevitably pushed into the more wounded of bodies. The unlucky ones had to settle for the bodies terribly mutilated, and barely human at all, but still more physical than what they where. "That, is what it does. And, that is what I was waiting here for. I am glad that nobody tried to interupt me while I was doing that. Small rituals are fine, but something this size would be likely to spill Muspelheim into our realm, and make the area contained in this rune an eternal super-lava pit, and the increase in temprature would affect everything for miles and miles, which would basically screw up the eco-system and, in fifty or so years, make this a hunk of rock with a highly unpredictable weather pattern" She told the two, looking out to the spirits. The ones who had managed to get bodies that where intact spent a few moments working out how everything moved, and getting used to their new abilities and limitations. The maimed humans, who missed chunks of their body, began to leak out fire from the wounds, and would - in several hours - make Abominations or more likely, obliterate their hosts entirely. "So, I think I have just sorted out the central heating problem in the Dungeon" she joked, giggling to herself as she touch her - broken - nose and then grimiced in pain. "Ow....remind me to work on the flying when we get back" she grumbled, clearly not in anyway skeptical or wary of the two minions.