[quote=@Klaire] I really wanted to do an Aldnoah.Zero roleplay because I plan to watch it soon but I was hoping that if everything goes well, we can do that in the future and do a RWBY roleplay in the meantime? OCs or canon, it doesn't matter. How does that sound? [/quote] Ah, Aldnoah.Zero. Such fun, such pain. Anyway, I would be fine with a RWBY RP, PM me and we can work something out. [quote=@Slypheed] Sins of a Solar Empire. I'm really interested in how this would work out..if you still have room. [/quote] I do indeed, and you're the first to be interested in that particular fandom. There are certainly a lot of options, so PM me with what you're looking for in terms of story, and we'll hash it out.