[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/x6KvC9r.png[/img][/center] [hr] The 26th floor. Somewhere nobody had ever been before but those that stood around Pterrophos. A field of green stretched out with a few mountains and a village nearby. Nobody had seen any of this before and it was breathtaking. Winding rivers and very small groups of trees barely being able to be classified as a forest dotted the landscape. A few large animals or monsters were off in the distance walking at a leisurely pace, going undisturbed until now. They had done it, made it to the front lines and then some. A precise swipe brought the tip of his rapier to his shoulder before it was quickly thrust into the air with a shout, a loud "WOO!." Pterrophos was so pumped from that last victory, he hadn't delivered the final blow but he and the rest of Neon Colossus' warriors cleared a floor boss with the best of them. They had lost 2 guild members in the fight, as well a 1/3rd of the people who ran in with them. It was a difficult fight with a ridiculous jump in difficulty but the group managed. He turned to face his men as in the background talks of making a new guild were made, something about Knights of the Blood Oath or something. Whatever it was wasn't Neon Colossus and wasn't his concern. "Men." he spoke proudly. "We lost two of our finest today, Ghesh and Turnit will be missed, and we will hold the official funeral for them tomorrow evening, but for now we yet again stand victorious, and officially more than a quarter of the way done with this game and we're almost out." He looked at the weary and physically exhausted troops behind him. Some of them weren't even fighters but had joined up to help in any way they could. They were tending to the most heavily wounded passing out healing crystals. A swipe of his hand brought his menu up, and he selected his rapier which vanished from his hand. He continued flicking through menus until a bottle of some sort appeared in his hand. He took a drink from it and opened a trade menu up with the closest member. "Everyone, take a drink from this. For brotherly reasons or something. It has 50 uses so..." A pause as he remembered the two fallen once more. "So it... It'll have some extra for the funeral tomorrow. Tonight we celebrate our lives!" He raised his fist in the air and let out a guttural "WHO" noise.