Atlas heard the screech of the speakers as the call to battle was issued, and it seemed that his earlier thought was right. Now it was take to put his plan into action. After careful planning he new what his mission was, and he ran a bunch of scenarios in his head. But no matter what happened, he would get his mission accomplished. He never failed to complete a task assigned to him, and he didn't plan on it. Whatever the cost. Rushing up to the deck, Atlas produced his clone, that appeared right beside him, like an exact replica. It was impossible to tell which was which. One of them ran to the flight deck, finding the captain and standing around the door where he entered. "Alright, our plan is a go. I'll stay here and relay back to you, help protect the ship while my counterpart invades the enemy ship. It should be a walk in the park." he said, looking out the window and looking at the enemy ship, seeing as it was dragged closer to their ship, ready to be boarded. It was time... The other Atlas was on the deck and quickly dived off the edge, making sure nobody saw him as he spread his wings and flew low towards the hull of the ship. He wasn't about to wait until they came into range, it would be too obvious. For a stealth mission like this, he wanted to get on as quick as he could to catch them by surprise. Besides, he had wings, not like he needed them to be too close if he could just fly. While on his course there was a sudden gunshot and Atlas quickly spiraled downward, looking up to see where the shot came from. It seemed one of the mercenaries had been hit, and the bullet came from near the flight deck. But whoever it was disappeared now, so there was no apparent danger anymore. Although Atlas did accelerate faster now, trying to reach the hull just in case more bullets decided to be shot, and somebody happened to be aiming at him. It was unlikely, but he wasn't taking any chances. He almost reached the hull when suddenly the enemy ship's front end dipped down and began to drop like a rock. "What the hell?" he asked himself, quickly clutching on to one of the chains of the harpoons as the ship spiraled to the ground, the hunter ship being dragged down but slowing down the descent. Activating his adrenaline, Atlas felt the world slow down, his senses became keen, he felt stronger, faster. Just what he needed. He climbed towards the enemy ship using the chain, pulling against the force of the descent before coming to the hull itself. He gave a strong pull, propelling himself with his wings and phasing through the hull, now successfully in the ship. He quickly stopped himself as he spread out his wings and put his feet against the wall, stopping himself. Everything was tilted to the side, and if not for his flying ability it would be hard to traverse the place. It seemed like he landed in a utility closet of sort, and since he phased through while the ship was falling he guessed he was around the piloting deck. Atlas heard movement around him though and stayed quiet, hiding himself in the corner of the room and concealing himself. Phase one was complete. Now onto phase two.