[hider=Survey] [b]1. How have I been doing so far in this RP's management? Is there something you'd like to see more of, less of, revisit, revise?[/b] For the moment I feel that the biggest issue isn't with you but rather with everyone's schedules (I find myself guilty of this a lot, but that's not the point of the question). What you could do is, I suppose, poke more people every now and then but really so far I have enjoyed your hands off approach. One thing that I absolutely adore is the way you handled missions so far. By giving each and every one a separate GM [b]2. What character have you enjoyed reading the most, and why?[/b] So far Shiro's antics never fail to amuse. To see him bounce around always puts a smile on my face. [b]3. What character, based upon the sheet and his or her IC behavior, would best fit into the actual RWBY show if given the chance?[/b] I'm going with Diamond Frost for this one. I can totally see Ruby concluding that she's Roman's Stunt Double, or Good Twin (same thing as an evil twin except not evil cause Roman already is evil). [b]4. What single event would you most look forward to happening in the course of this RP? Things such as a tournament arc, a school dance, etc?[/b] Something happens that hammers home that Remnant is really a death world. Doesn't have to be all that big or dramatic, just something that serves as a reminder of the bigger danger at some point. My own mission entry about the food stores is an attempt at this, but other reminders could be sprinkled in here and there. Likewise, some reminders that Remnant is also weird and different from ours would be great. A bit about Dust reactors from one of Prince of Seraph's posts springs to mind as an excellent example of what I mean. Some seasoning if you will. For a 'big event' type what I am looking forward to, NOT a team tournament. This is purely a selfish thing as it is tremendously hard to make a tank non-lethal and thus Marcus will have to footslog. Again. [b]5. If all teams were to have a massive, Hunger Games-esque fight, which would come out on top, and why?[/b] I honestly don't have the foggiest. I cannot give an honest assessment without a good analysis of all the characters, their strengths and their weaknesses. For the moment I'm probably inclined to give it to Gren at the moment though Oswald could give him a run for a money with his teleportation ability. [b]6. What do you think of this system of contests and challenges? Anything you would change?[/b] I would give more credits for the completion of IC missions, for the moment I feel that contests give too much credits compared to the effects they have on the IC timeline. [b]7. What sort of circumstance would aid you in revealing your character's backstory in a warranted, thought-out fashion?[/b] Parent meet up day would be the biggest but honestly compared to a lot of others Marcus has not really had that much happen in his life. His shtick is essentially being a mentally stable model citizen, this in strong contrast with other characters that have severe mental damage or big troubles in their pasts. [b]8. Do you have a favorite ship? If so, who?[/b] Nora + Ren. Yes, those canon two. Second would be Priscilla and Robert. [b]9. Finally, what do you picture your character doing or being in twenty years, provided that he or she graduates Beacon?[/b] With the way the character is developing I feel Marcus would be either a strategist or a weapons engineer of great renown. He will certainly force a change for Vale's armed forces in some fashion. Their current hunter training programme just isn't good for a force that uses things like tanks, mechs and air support. Certainly I can see Marcus advocate for a completely separate 'heavy support' branch of hunters that drive/fly vehicles. These would then be attached to the normal four man teams as needed. So you'd have a 'hunterified' tank operated by a normal crew of three, and they go on missions with either team ABCD or team DEFG dependant on which team is going to need a tank to back them up. On the home front, Marcus is the type that conceivably just wakes up one day snuggled up to someone and he will never be able to put his finger on the exact moment that the relationship really took off. At the moment it is too early to really tell but should he wind up with someone I am going to guess it would be with either Ruby (both engineers, though it won't happen till after graduation) or Penny (the basis of a healthy relationship is communication and due to his semblance these two would be able to literally read each other's minds).[/hider]