Name:Solace Nocte(alias, real name unknown) Gender:Male Age:Unknown Homeland:Coleander Occupation: Band Member Specialty: shows no signs of fear, regardless of the situation. Weakness: subtlety Appearance: Clad entirely in shining armor lined with strange black cloth. no part of his physical body is visible. the armor is very archaic in design, and highly ornate, carved rather then hammered into shape. engraved on several of the components is a symbol; a perfect circle, cut clean through the armor, revealing the black cloth beneath, surrounded by 8 triangles, carved to approximately halfway through the plate Weapon:A greatsword. embedded in the crossguard is a purple Divinare infused gem that allows the weapon to repair itself over time, this includes permanently rendering the blade razor sharp. inscribed in the fuller are the words:[color=1b003f][i]for my failure, a thousand deaths[/i][/color] Personality: Despite being extremely formal, Solace is a man of few words, and he speaks very deliberately, never uttering a word of his past deeds or why he participates in the band system. nevertheless, he is very much a cooperative warrior, and works well with others, be he in command or taking orders on the battlefield. Surprisingly devout, he will often say a prayer for those he slays, and regularly visits the graveyard of any town he visits in order to pay respects to the fallen, though he avoids churches and temples.