-Laciel Lenssed- Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Laciel had awoken from a tranquil slumber fraught with heavenly dreams and delightful ideas before waking up. This left him in a rather satisfied mood as he popped his neck, allowing the gas withithey ligaments to escape. He let out a soft yawn as he stared out the window, a new day was about to be born as the crack on the horizon danced with magnificent little red flames. It was rather early for most, but to him he was a tinge bit late on performing his daily duties. The boy went to work, preparing himself for the new day, throwing on his clothes after cleaning up, all with creating breakfast. After creating his share and eating it, he sought to make his own mother a warm meal once she woke up as it would be rather pleasant for her to fill her belly. With that said and done, the boy set to work on his usual endeavors, hammering away to meld the mettle metal into a new form stromg enough to either slice or smash. Laciel stared down the glowing form as he whistled the song that Varric had sung yesterday after the rather awkward encounter. He did enjoy the legends and ballads though as it quelled his thirst and left his mind saturated. As the boy worked at the glowing forge in the early recesses, he wiped some of the sweat off of his face with a familiar rag that appeared gray in tint and worn out. With a solemn sigh, he continued to hammer away at the dangerous new creation. As he forged new weapons, giving life to unliving things from the earth, the boy could only ponder on the possibilities of the path Guinevere and Varric were going down. As he silently worked in wonder, he was unaware of a tragedy that befell the village and in due time he would come to know of it. Before he knew it, his ignorance became apparent but dispersed into the remaining mist in a stroke of time as he found himself in the midst of people within the tavern, his mother occupying the same space. Normally he would either be reading up on tales of old or nonfiction books, maybe doing a bit of shopping or lurking around but this was a rather serial moment. His eyes darted around the tavern with a morbid curiosity as he studied the area inconspicuously. The air around seemed tense and invoked a sense of peculiar mystification of some mysterious unwelcomed wonder. The Doctor didn't fair too well either as he appeared to be a horrid mess and seemed to tremble with anguish. The mayor didn't speak a lick and people were at it, chattering away at the myriads of possibilities, ranging from realistic ideas to otherworldly rumors that friends would speak of. [color=0072bc][i]"This whole crowd seems excitable and on the brink of almost going haywire on trying to find Ali. If I can recall, I've seen a few men here whole pledged their love to the young woman all while I was testing a bulk of her concoctions... I think I threw up on one of them in the process of testing one of them. All in all, not the point - she is my friend and... and I can't just leave her to rot. She has performed so much for the town and has earned a lot of love from many. I know my mother may deem it dangerous, but I need to assist in finding her some how."[/i][/color] As the boy let the buds of determination sprout as he listened to the mayors everlasting words, beseaching the whole village about the search for a lost girl. The man lacked any sort of clue or idea to where she was stolen away to, he began organizing search parties in preperation for searching for her. The store would be most likely busy after this as the mass of people appeared even more frantic after the end of a rousing speech. All in all, it would be a nightmare to leave the forge for a second, but thankfully they locked up before heading there... well, he did since bandits would probably become opportunists in the next couple of minutes if ever learning of the group of people amassing in one area, leaving a few places vurnerable. In short, they all became open to any sort of a bus in due part to the organized panic. In short, if someone didn't calm the place down it might turn into an organized lynching of sorts with a destructive mob mentality until Alixiannas return. [color=0072bc]"Uhm, I know it's going to possibly be a busy day mother, but i'm going to take off from working at the forge for tbe day and assist in searching for any lingering clues that the perpatrators could of left. The quicker we can find Alixianna, the quicker chance that she will come back to her parents arms... Apologies, but I can't just abandon her..."[/color] As the boy timidly spoke to his mother, he didn't seem to lack determination in his voice. If anything, he had an idea of who might of seen something out of the ordinary last night, but he needed to ready up for this grueling task he would discretely task part in before seeing Illya. The boy pivoted around as he looked downwards at the wooden bellow as he strode out of the general area. In short, he hoped his mother would understand why he was going to take such drastic actions on the off chance he was discovered by her after his plotting. In the next few seconds, he broke into a dash for the forge, passing the many people who were in a sense of panic. Upon reaching the forge, he unlocked the door and made a mad dash upstairs into his room, the cogs in his head still spinning. Lying in wait in a corner was his attire for going into battle, or so he would of done if his mother didn't stop him consistently. Thankfully, the manniquen didn't need to use if for the worth while and now it just wpuldn't be consigned to a life of decor or sparring. The same went for his personalized greatsword which hung on a rack above his collection of books. Being as careful as he could, the boy stood on the tips of his toes as he carefully slipped his hand onto the hilt of the blade before bringing it to his level. With everything gathered into one place, he began to suit up as quick as he could. [i][color=0072bc]"Hopefully Illya doesn't mind me coming on in dressed like this... even more so her mother."[/color][/i] As the boy finished his preparations, he slid the huge sword into the sheath located on the back of his armor before stepping out of his home. With a few coins, a key to his home, and everything else, he closed the place off and began his journey to the Thieves Landing, in search of information his friend might of had from last night if she was out on one of her heists... heck, maybe he could coax her an recruit her to help, even though he further feared for her safety if he was to include her.