Name: Julia Stiles Age: 28 Gender: Female (Sexual Orientation): Bisexual Occupation: Dinosaur Health Technician (Dinosaur Vet) Personality: Julia is a strong independent person. She doesn't like relying on people, but when the need calls to it she will. This doesn't mean she is mean or aloof. She is kind, but only if there is a need for it. Julia is good in tight situations thinking on her feet. She's wildly defensive of her friend and the people she trusts. Skills/Abilities: Calm-headed-Julia keeps cool and doesn't let her emotions get the best of her. Veterinary Skills- Julia has trained for years to become a dinosaur vet. Frailties: Temper- Julia doesn't take well to being proven wrong. Air-headed- Often doesn't take in her surroundings as she should. Backstory: Julia was born in a small town in the middle of nowhere. She grew into a fairly normal life. When she was 10, her father took her to Jurassic world and it changed the way she looked at the world. She started studying her hardest to get into the Dinosaur Health Technician Internship. She attended a state university. Finally at the age of 22, they accepted her. She was ecstatic. This was her life long dream. While she was at Jurassic World, she was first in her internship. Julia stood out and never bothered the enemies she made. If she could help these creatures, she could stand not being liked by people. Then at the end of her internship, when they would have taken her on as a full time Health technician, Indominus got loose. She evacuated with the rest of the park. Affiliation with Jurassic World: Julia had just finished her vet internship when Jurassic world went to shit. She, thankfully, got off the Island. Ingen contacted her and offered her to get back on the Island and help with rebuilding the park, and to make sure the Animals are safe and healthy. [img][/img] Name: Delta Age: 5 years? Gender Female Species: Velociraptor Personality: Delta is a quick thinker and light on her feet. She's smart and quickly, but has a strong distrust of people except Barry and owen. She is a hard worker, but quicker to attack then her sisters. She is easily riled up and loves to play. Backstory: Delta was born with her sisters in Jurassic World and imprinted on Owen Grady. She grew up training with owen and her sisters. When the Indominus escaped she and her sisters were used to hunt the indominus down. They found a new alpha and started attacking the hunters. They finally reunitd with Owen and attacked the Indominus. Delta was injured badly and unable to get up. She finally managed to after Blue helped her up. Delta had massive scars running up her sides from the indominus's teeth. They have lived in the jungles of Jurassic world since. [img][/img]