Using Anima Overflow, the level of Gravity Point rises to 5 meaning it's [i]way[/i] more powerful than before. Also, I was assuming the ships wouldn't be too far apart because they were in close enough range to launch grappling hooks comfortably and you typically only do that if you're sure that your men can climb over to the other ship in fast enough to not get shot off. What I tried to do was to create a point of gravity in between the two ships just large enough to pull them into it (as in it only covers maybe a quarter of their ships) to pull the Sundancer up and the Hunter downwards towards the halfway point on [@Stormlight3]'s map. Then realizing they would collide, I had Gaon create a point to pull the Sundancer away from collision and essentially the ships are kinda reversed now but closer. [@Desire] I'll edit him moving out of the radius probably