"Smart ass" Jaden snorted with a grin. He had an inkling he'd get along with this hot head. The irony being he could get pretty big headed himself, at least this one knew how to play the game. Too many raiders these days either had the emotional maturity of a watermelon somebody had stepped in or no emotions at all. Kind of a reminder what the wastelands could do to your mind if you let it all in. That was how Jaden survived out here. If you needed to kill someone you shot them so they'd never get back up. If you lacked a gun then use a knife, lacking that you do it so they can't stop you. This was the age of survival, and all were welcome here: entry being mandatory. His side was still stinging every few steps or so. He kept tearing the wound open again with his movements but their was an upside to things now. Instead of bright blurs he was starting to see a more out of focus image. He looked at the girl beside him and saw she had black hair, fair skin, something on her arm. He was probably staring at her a little too much but like it mattered. Even if he was trying to perv on the girl with his eyes the way they were he couldn't see shit. He looked up again after a while at blue sky. At least this sight didn't need to be in focus to see it. "So...new to raiding then huh?" Jaden didn't really know if she was or not. He was guessing from the way she'd shouted over to him and how friendly she was. Most raiders treated you like a slab of meat or just plain ignored you. First time anyone had come to see if he was alright since- No, another time perhaps but not now...