{CHARACTER SHEET} NAME: Hunter Monroe NICKNAME: None but Open to one. AGE(19-25): 21 GENDER: Male APPEARANCE: Hunter stands about 5'11" with a lean fixture, though he is not really built strong he has about average strength. He has dark brown brown hair that runs down to just above his shoulders, also brown would be his eyes. He generally wears a T-shirt and Jeans, though he may wear at times camouflage, a light jacket, or random hats that he thinks are Awesome and/or funny. EX: {leave this blank until I give this to you} FAVORITE MUSIC: Country/Rock/Some rap. FAVORITE COLOR: Camouflage. (Or if this doesn't count Green) HOBBY(s): Target shooting, playing video games, Movies, comics, Doing stupid shit, Making things work. ANIMALS: Turtle Named Nascar. PERSONALITY: Can be outgoing once comfortable with people, though if he is not comfortable he will shut up and stay in the corner. Tries to get along with everyone. CAR: El Camino TATTOOS/PIERCINGS/OTHER: He has a tattoo of a symbol he made on the top of his upper right arm. MAJOR IN COLLEGE: Electrical Engineering/Mechanical OTHER: Hunter will try not to hold grudges but he may hold one with out noticing it just out of anger of a situation.