Alrighty, I can explain in better detail: [hr] The general rule of manipulating divinare is that anything that contains it has its own ‘rhythm’. This rhythm is different for every individual source. Anyone who wants to use the divinare in, let’s say a flower, must feel its rhythm and relate it to their own internal rhythm. For example, if someone wanted to channel the divinare inside that flower, they would need allow the flower’s rhythm to overcome their own, essentially surrendering their own source of divinare to that of the flower’s. This agitates and releases the magical potential of the flower, which could cause it to shoot its thorns out at high speeds, or maybe release whatever nectar or toxins that are in it. If one wanted to bind that divinare instead, they would need to overpower the flower’s rhythm with their own. This would let someone impose their will over the flower, letting them control its movements and sometimes strengthen it, maybe causing its roots to shoot out of the ground and entangle someone. Lastly, merging requires the person to perfectly synchronize their rhythm with that of the flower, a far more difficult task than the other two methods. Doing so would allow one to fuse with the flower, becoming one with its body and mind, which could be useful for hiding from someone or directly utilizing anything inside the flower, such as the mechanisms required for photosynthesis. The rhythm of any human being or animal is much more complex than that of something found in nature, and requires far more concentration to feel and use. This means that magic that directly manipulates or alters the human body is much more difficult than most other types of magic. To summarize, the levels of difficulty for divinare manipulation go like this: Channeling is easier than binding, which is far easier than merging. Using divinare found in artificial sources such as magical weapons or rings is easier than using divinare found in nature. However, artificial sources usually have a much more limited pool to draw from, and some of them are designed as one-time use items, meaning that their divinare never replenishes itself once depleted. It is harder to use divinare from lower creatures like beasts than nature, and human beings are the single hardest source to utilize. There are other types of divinare usage that don’t fall into the aforementioned three categories, but the only one I’ve solidified so far is healing magic. Healing uses a principle called distillation, which requires both channeling and binding divinare from specific sources. The divinare is channeled to such a high degree that there is no trace of ‘rhythm’ left in it, meaning that its basically raw magical energy that isn’t bound to its original source at all. This raw energy dissipates very quickly however, so it must then be rapidly bound to a wound in order for it to have any healing properties. Distillation is a more advanced technique and usually requires specialized training to use. [hr] Hopefully this will help and isn't TMI this early on. I'll clean it up some and edit it into the OP. As far as Solace goes, the magical ability required to bind a human soul to something would be enormous, meaning that whoever did that to him would have to be one of the most powerful magic users in the world. Such a thing would be a very rare phenomenon, I think. I hadn't thought of a self-repairing weapon, but we can say that its just a really well made magical weapon with a larger pool of divinare than usual.