Lars raised an eyebrow when Jules began a coughing fit, but otherwise stayed silent while she waited for him to clear his windpipe, supplying little more than a firm slap to the back and a little sympathy for her friend. It’d be embarrassing for a young wizard to die from choking on a sandwich, after all. The following pun didn’t help his case any, but it made her smile so she didn’t complain. Introductions flew by quickly, courtesy to the youngest Tituba, and quickly flew into a fresh attempt at scaring the poor first year. She laughed a bit at the tall tail her friend supplied, and quickly fell into step behind him for the Café. Gar and Bel squawked noisily before opening their wings and tossing themselves into the air after the three. Gar landed silently onto Lars’ shoulder, and Bel onto Jules’, where he quickly began chirping into the boy’s ear. The older witch smirked a bit at her bird’s form of revenge, and then turned back to the strangely silent blonde. It felt a bit bad teasing such a frail looking girl, even if spooking first years was a normal occurrence during the first few weeks of school. She hadn’t said a word this whole time though. Maybe she really was scared? Lars frowned, and took a few steps closer to the girl. “Don’t let him scare you with his troll hullaballoo. If any of it were true, he’d never have made it to his third year.” She taunted in a hushed voice, but purposefully loud enough for said third year boy to hear. She cast him a quick glance, and then turned back to smirk at the younger blonde and continue her reassurances. “This place is actually really chill, so you can relax a bit, ya know?” Lars chirped, hoping to get some sort of response from the girl.