[quote=@King Kindred] [hider=Spoiler] Since the three raptors at the end of the movie are up for grabs are you saying that the other two survived against Indominus instead of dying like in the movie? [/hider] [/quote] [hider=MAJOR Spoilers!]Only Charlie definitely died in [i]Jurassic World[/i], after turning to red mist getting hit by a rocket. Delta was thrown through the barbeque restaurant kitchen causing a fireball, but could've easily rolled or been thrown clear inside the restaurant before the hot plate exploded, and Echo was tossed aside limp after being in the jaws of the I-Rex, similarly to how Blue was treated earlier and survived. Neither are definitely dead and 'comic book rules' state that if you didn't see a body[sup]1[/sup] then the character isn't dead. [indent][sub][color=lightgray][i]1 - Which couldn't possibly have been a homeless person dressed in the other person's clothes, a flash grown clone, a robot, an alternate reality doppelganger, a long-lost twin sibling, a hologram or any other thing or person who just looked like the presumed dead body. [hider=Insane Theory #46521]In fact Charlie might not be dead either, as the dinosaur we saw get blown up could've been Charlie's time travelling daughter sent back in time due to a 'future echo' caused when the dinosaurs were sent into space aboard a Jupiter Mining Corporation mobile asteroid refinery and hit lightspeed when trying to return to the solar system after having been drifting in deep space for several million years, with Charlie suspended in stasis the whole time after having smuggled a cat on board to try and win back the affections of one of the navigation officers.[/hider][/i][/color][/sub][/indent][/hider]