| Identity | Alan Scott / Green Lantern | Origin & Backstory | Origin Alan Scott was born on Earth and through an indomitable willpower during the Gulf War later became one of two green lanterns of his sector alongside the wise Abin Sur. Alan Scott removed himself from his homeworld—seeing the bigger picture among other Green Lanterns; hence why history did not see a green lantern for quite some time. For years Alan Scott served with the most dutiful loyalty that the corps had seen in a long while—granting him respect and recognition among his peers. Then there was the homeworld of the race known as the thorn. This planet, within the corps jurisdiction found itself under attack by raiders with a device to reap and harvest the planet’s resources—knowing the race would be unable to resist due to their inherent link to a cosmic force within nature they assumed they would be out of there with little resistance and before the corps would happen upon them. The planet however did suffer massive casualties as the pure emotional and psychological pain they experienced began to take its toll. The druidic people irregardless of this mounted a defense as the planet attempted to fight back against these raiders but even then it seemed to be an uphill battle… or it would have been if it were not for Alan Scott and his team of green lanterns. Scott fought back the raiders and defeated them into submission and hauled them back to galactic court to face the law. Jade’s mother was grateful to Alan Scott when he returned a few galactic cycles later and they fell in with each other; eventually resulting in the birth of Jade; which despite a taboo on other worlds was only looked upon with worry for the child. Jade’s childhood was one of half-thorn culture and half-thorn connections: she could not move earth or water but she still felt the “heartbeat” of nature itself—the planetary soul. Even with this weight she strived to be good and growing up knowing of what the Green Lantern’s stood for and who her father was she began to envy the outside world; something few thorn did. This resulting her into leaving her home when it became an ample opportunity; as Jade does this Alan Scott returns to Earth after nearly half of his life ignoring the planet. Year One On his way to Earth, Alan Scott discovers a distressing sight as the first manned flight to Mars goes catastrophic and he acts for the first time in defense of Earth; saving the astronauts and revealing himself in a role he perceives as one he should have taken sooner. Sometime afterward he teams up with the speedster, The Flash, to stop a dimensional invasion from occurring on Earth—his ally claims to see something on the other side and while not skeptical of the possibilities due to his time as a Lantern, Alan finds himself underestimating The Flash’s perception. Then the catalyst of all events occurs as Alan Scott finds himself fighting alongside other earthborn heroes to defeat the alien Sta’rro. Following this event Alan Scott discusses with his “colleagues” about founding a league of defense with them in charge to observe and protect the realm. The Justice League is born. Year Two Months later in his second year since his return to Earth Alan Scott is faced with a new challenge: Dr. Hector Hammond. The CEO and founder of Hammond Solutions, a technology and defense firm is researching a space meteorite called Wildcr which instills a strange happening when his research causes the fragment to explode—causing a mutation in Hammond’s DNA and growing his already high-level intellect to the level of a telepath and psychic. Manipulating his scientists through mental power, Hammond begins to plot. Ultimately a humanist; Hammond believes the evolution of the metahuman is a threat (despite by all terms of him being a mutant is comparable at this point) and makes his priority to keep them in check. Hammond creates several combat drones and repurposes them into a war machine that is aimed at the Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Alan Scott defeats the robot before thinking to if it was a rogue A.I. or something greater. Not long after, Dr. Joar Mahkent becomes the supervillain known as The Icicle—attacking Coast City with a weapon that converts moisture in the air into ice. Alan Scott initially is unsure of Icicle’s identity but it is eventually discovered Mahkent was disguising himself as a man known as Lanky Leeds as a front for his criminal activities. Mahkent is committed into the Gull Island Correctional Facility serving as the supervillain housing prison for Star, Coast, and Gateway City. Professor Luri Hoshid unearths an ancient artifact in Bialya, The Star Sapphire. Unbeknownst to her, the artifact is a sentient overmind that corrupts the female mind whilst giving them extreme cosmic power. It is linked to the fall of one of the earliest Bialyaian ruling dynasties. This power changes the professor into a being of destruction that Alan Scott has to contend with stopping. The alien, Replikon, breaks out of intergalactic prison and flees to what he believes is an obscure planet with intent to manipulate its strongest government for a foundation of his new empire: as a shapechanger he easily disguises himself into a world leader—the King of Qurac. With the help of Batman, Alan Scott works against the clock to expose Replikon and restore peace. Year Three The next year began with an announcement as Alan Scott’s sector partner and Green Lantern, Abin Sur, announced his retirement to the reserve corps on Oa. Selecting a replacement for Abin Sur was difficult as Sector 2814 was one of which full of men and women who underwent tasks of will and heroism in times of war, emotional conflict, and psychological strife. Alan Scott was selected as the “herald” to find a new member for the sector as he was the longstanding member of the sector (the same responsibility Abin Sur had when he recruited Alan Scott). THE BLIGHT. DARKSTAR ALLIANCE. A scientist named Neal Emerson is turned into the supervillain, Polaris, when a scientific experiment goes wrong and explodes in Coast City. Weeks later, Alan Scott finds himself in Coast City to visit a military veteran and his friend; Sam Smith. On his way to Smith’s place of residence he finds a scene where the police are in dire need of help and as a Green Lantern Alan finds the responsibility in his hands. Polaris is defeated, but given his unique superpower Alan decides he can’t let him fall into the local authorities hands and takes him to a galactic prison instead. Not too long after, traveling to Uxor, Green Lantern finds a invading warlord named Brutus Force terrorizing the planet and calling out any of his foes that were hiding that he could not be defeated. The alien soon found himself contending with Alan Scott. Uxor is one of many obligations to the galaxy. At the end of the year, a super-powered android called AMAZO attacked the Justice League at their place of organization—The Hall of Justice, an acquisition that was a year old for the organization. This battle with AMAZO lasts hours and is the most difficult struggle for the Justice League since Libra’s confrontation in the previous year. The remains of AMAZO are collected by STAR Labs at the request of the League. YEAR FOUR - WIP | Character Notes | - Is there anything you want to elaborate on? Extra lore for the city you are home to? Notable NPCs? WIP | Powers & Abilities | Green Lantern Ring: Alan Scott like all Green Lanterns can create green constructs from the sheer force of will and imagination. Interrogation: Scott's years as a Green Lantern and a Military Veteran show that he is quite adept in fields of interrogation, though Scott finds himself bound by morals and ethics. Military Protocol: A one-time soldier raised by a career soldier, Scott is quite familiar with military policy, protocol and most aspects of life in the military. Hand-to-Hand Combat: Scott received basic training at West Point and served in several tours. | How is this character different? | Well, he certainly isn’t the new 52 Alan Scott; and like I’d mention in a Jade sheet, his daughter is completely different from both incarnations and considering she’s a dedicated NPC I will play while being Alan Scott. This Alan Scott has been a green lantern since around our equivalent of 1983 or so; and he’s been away from Earth for his entire career as a green lantern—he’s getting older and while he has this experience he still has this earthlike arrogance to his adventures. | What is your goal with this character? | A Green Lantern that knows stories about space cops fighting space criminals in space is what the core of Green Lantern is about. We’ll be seeing Mongul, mentions of Darkseid, Kilowog calling people poozers, Jade finishing her training as a green lantern and doing stuff as a dedicated NPC in my control and lots of other stuff. I can promise that I have a love for science fiction, space opera, and adventure. I think I bring a lot to the table and not just as a co-GM. I work well with others and I want to create something constructively done, well-paced, and fun to read. | Sample Post | Alan Scott looked onward as a trail of destruction sprawled right through Wein Incorporated, the executive company that ruled the construction game out here in California. However, this had been a major hit and it still wasn’t over; it was far from over. Scott wasn’t sure what had been the catalyst of the events that led up to now but there was a rampaging giant scourging through Coast City and he had to stop it before it was too late. His thoughts thought back to his Justice League, but he had fought far worse and done it alone—he didn’t need to call in Superman or anybody else…. at least not yet. Scott’s eyes narrowed as he levitated through the sky—the green trail following him as he looked for the unsightly beast that was on a rampage which honestly didn’t take long at all as he came to Coast City Stadium and saw the unsightly gray thing smashing through its parking lot. This was bad; the Coast City Angels were up against tough competition with the Star City Rockets and damn it he refused for an ogre to endanger all of the lives at that baseball game. “Hey!” Alan exclaimed as he threw up a construct of green energy that resembled a wall inbetween the Stadium itself and the rampaging thing; in reply it turned to Alan—looking up with a scowl. “GRUNDY SMASH!” With great force the being jumped high intending to slam his fist into the Green Lantern which honestly Alan didn’t expect—he dropped his current construct into the first thing he thought of: a baseball mitt. Using the mitt-esque construct he caught the force of “Grundy” although the impact of the giant gray zombie was enough to push him back a few feet before Grundy dropped to the ground below. “At least I have his attention.” He muttered under his breath. What had happened to this Grundy to make him like this? Was he still human? The two questions ran across the Green Lantern’s mind as he yelled at the zombie loud and clear. “Hey! Grundy? Let’s go!” “Grundy don’t like flashlight man! Grundy hurt flashlight man!” Scott smirked as he shot out another construct of energy: surrounding Grundy in a spherical orb and holding on to his willpower flew away from the city with Grundy in his grasps— he just hoped he could hold onto the zombie for long enough. “GRUNDY NO LIKE BALL CAGE! GRUNDY SMASH!”