[center][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/abrv4z.jpg[/img] [i]“The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man.”[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jørn Hansen [b]Nickname:[/b] Birdman [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] April 29 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Occupation:[/b] Wildlife Cameraman [b]Likes:[/b] [list] [*]Wildlife (birds and amphibians in particular) [*]The coast [*]Rain [*]Old architecture [*]Acoustic Music [*]Cooking [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list] [*]Loud people: yelling, loud parties... [*]Violence [*]Action movies [*]Sports [*]Hot weather [*]Seafood (except for shrimp) [/list] [b]Fears:[/b] [list] [*]Fire [*]Traffic [*]Falling off of a considerable height [*]Losing his loved ones [/list] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [list] [*]Photography [*]Playing the (bass)guitar [*]Hiking [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Adventurous and restless at heart, Jørn loves going outdoors and loves experimenting, be it with photography or be it with food. Despite his venturous nature, he does get homesick easily. Jørn is a man of few words; he rather speaks through actions than through words. He cares deeply for those close to him and occasionally shows this through small sings of affection such as doing chores for them, or randomly buying little gifts for them, or organizing intimate dinners. Although he is always there for his family and friends, he tends to bottle up his own emotions. Instead he is left fretting about what is troubling him for days. Jørn is also a bit of a perfectionist; he wants certain things (photographs, dishes, his bed) to be just right. When they aren’t exactly the way he wants them to be he can get a bit fed up with himself for not getting them flawless. [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Jørn was born in Ebeltoft, in the center of Denmark. He currently lives in Copenhagen, where the headquarters of the magazine he works for is located. [b]History:[/b] Jørn was born as an only child to two loving parents. His dad was away from home most of the time, running a hotel, while his mom stayed home to take care of the household and care for her child. Growing up in one of the greener parts of Denmark, Jørn often could be found outside, either playing or, when his mom wasn’t paying attention, exploring his surroundings. All in all, the first few years of his life were pretty peaceful. This changed however when his dad found out his mom had started seeing another man. In the time that followed, the two were frequently fighting. Although Jørn's father stayed relatively calm, it was mostly his mother that raised her shrill voice, trying to defend herself, blaming her husband for always being somewhere else, for not being there for them, for only thinking about himself. It was in these moments, that Jørn's wanderlust started to grow even more, leading him outside, towards the shore, as far away from home as possible. Away from the yelling, the accusations, the grudge. The only voices here were the raspy breath of the wind, and the soft calling of the gulls and terns. In the beginning the fighting couple didn't even notice their child would leave the house; they were too busy noticing the flaws in each other. Even after his parents eventually parted, his mom leaving Jørn and his father, unable to continue living together with the man, Jørn would often return to the place. It was in nature that he had found his peace of mind. Slowly he grew accustomed to the landscape, and he found himself interested in the animals roaming the area. With Jørn's mother gone, his father decided to quit his job and find a new one that allowed him to spend more time with his son. Over time, their bond grew, and Jørn showed where he had been hiding during rougher moments. His dad was impressed; both by the beautiful scenery and by the knowledge the young boy had gained about the wildlife. Although Jørn did pretty well in secondary school, he did not want to devote himself to studying an ordinary subject or profession. Instead, he enrolled for the highly praised European Film College, located in his hometown. Here he learned the tricks of the trade, learning about lighting, perspective, framing... It was also here that he met his current girlfriend Stine, a fellow student who had a passion for filming, albeit that her field of interest differed from his; while Jørn focused on making documentaries, Stine wanted to make short drama films her expertise. Very quickly after graduating Jørn, together with some other graduates, got asked to work on a documentary for which they had to travel across the globe for a few years. Although Jørn had a load of fun filming -- becoming acquainted with subjects he had never looked into before, and going sightseeing in between shots -- he also missed his homeland, his father and girlfriend. After five years of intensive labor the crew was done filming and Jørn arrived back in Denmark with an intense feeling of satisfaction; both because he felt he had done some great work, but also because he could finally set foot on familiar ground again. When he reunited with Stine he promised her he wouldn’t be away again for so long. Not long after this the two decided to move in together. They didn’t reside in this apartment for long however, because soon his father had found the perfect job for him. A connection of his worked for a national nature magazine which was still looking for a cameraman. Although it would be stills that Jørn would be shooting rather than moving frames, and even though it required him to move to Copenhagen, he grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Jørn now lives together with Stine in Copenhagen, and he still works for the magazine. His main job is to serve as a wildlife cameraman, but sometimes the editors of the magazine allow him to add in a bit of commentary to the articles. Although his life has been very rosy for the past two years, lately he has been having strange visions. He explains this is as due to lack of sleep. [b]Extra:[/b] Jørn has a mild form of anxiety. He often has doom scenarios pop up in his mind, but this does not affect him too much; it only makes him feel a bit uneasy. He also worries about small things, and has trouble falling asleep. A song which fits him quite well: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPE1A-O7t4I]Mark Knopfler – Get Lucky[/url] My current favorite is The Bridge (Bron/Broen), but Sense8 is really cool as well.