Katsu was all ready to go, however reluctantly, once all of his things were gathered. It was going to be really upsetting having to leave everything behind again, and with a melancholic cloud overhead he wondered if he might ever get a chance to settle down. Packing away the last of his personal belongings he would take the thief slung his back over his shoulder, giving his room one last look around before mentally and emotionally preparing himself to leave it for some time. Getting a rather odd offer from Hiresh out of nowhere he turned to the metal bender, frowning and giving his head a shake. "And what? Have to appear in court? I know how that stuff works, if I press charges then they'll want to talk, and if I have to meet someone I'm bound to get attacked again. So no, I'm not pressing charges," he answered stiffly. With Siku's plea to bring more of Koinu's toys along, Katsu threw her the pillow case to use, it being really the only thing they had for it. Once the toys were packed away they finally left, with him giving the room one last glance before locking and shutting the door. Getting to the docks without being seen wasn't too hard, as Katsu was quite good at slinking around the city. What he wasn't so confident about though was having to wait for a ferry to arrive, feeling fair paranoid the entire time they waited. What a load of crap, having to be worried like this. He'd had life so good for a while there and now he was getting depressed and feeling like he should be watching over his shoulder, just how he was before he'd left home. When the ferry finally did arrive he wasted little time in boarding it, glad to find the officer minding the boarding station either didn't recognize him or didn't see him. It helped too that it wasn't a regular commercial ferry, it seemed to be a private one for those at the Air Temple itself. The old man piloting the craft looked harmless enough, if a bit strange in how okay he was with three strangers randomly tagging along. Keeping his things securely in his grasp he moved to the furthest edge of the vessel, content to be alone for now until they reached Air Temple Island. He had hoped to be alone for the entire trip there, save for Koinu who sat dutifully at his feet, but Siku saw fit to come over to him and try striking up conversation. What was she trying to do there? Perk him up? Some simple words weren't going to brighten his mood, certainly nothing as hopelessly vague as 'figure out what's going on'. Staring straight out into the water as he had been, arms folded on the rails, the Avatar let out a sigh before shifting his weight a bit. "Have you ever had to abandon your home before? And I don't mean move, I mean have to leave and never think of going back,' Katsu asked, his eyes half-lidded as he stared down at the waves the ferry made, "Or have you ever had to leave your family behind, just so you could have some peace? It's not a matter of getting to go back, it's whether I can ever feel safe or content where I end up. It's not like I loved the idea of totally leaving my family, you know, I had to do it." Sighing somberly he pushed himself up from the railing, turning around and looking at Siku with almost a tired expression. "Listen... I appreciate you trying to give me a pep talk, but... Just don't, okay? I have no use for empty words right now, and if it's all the same to you I want to be alone." When arriving on the island proper, Katsu could count himself lucky it was so late in the evening; a few lights were on here and there, but for the most part it looked like people had either turned in for the night or were getting ready to do so. With hardly anyone out and about they should be fine in regards to drawing attention, albeit that all depended on where they ended up going. Thankfully Asha seemed to have thought that through in advance, and a small building far from the rest of the homes would be theirs for the evening. Simply nodding to show his appreciation, the Avatar followed the rest of the group down a winding path, cutting through a small grove of trees before reaching the place in question. It was certainly small, but then so too had the room he'd called his home for the last few years been as well. "Yeah, it works, thanks Asha," Katsu replied taking one of the straps of his bag off and adjusting it to hang on one shoulder, "So we're all sharing the one place?"