[center][color=C0C0C0]Escre, The Great Spirit, God of Life (Spirits)[/color] & Sveiand, The Cold One, God of Seasons (Winter) & [color=black][b]Vowzra, The Timeless One, God of Creation (Time)[/b][/color][/center] Vowzra watched from atop Orabil as his prophet set out into the world and faced some of the terrors of the Chaotic One, and he watched as the knowledge he had given him guided his path and allowed him to grow. But it was not Zerabil who was of interest to him at that moment. There were other things to be doing. The darkness may have been chased away, but it returned nightly, and he foresaw a time when it would return more completely. The Chaotic One would not leave Orabil to carry out its purpose fully, but that was of no great concern. What was more concerning was the budding enmity he could see slowly forming between the Guardian of Life and the Changer of Seasons. That would not do, no it would not. Life and the Seasons went hand in hand, and to have disharmony between them was simply not the way things should be. He saw only strife coming of, for gods and creation alike. He slowly began to sink into Orabil, until he was as one with the Tree of Light. He descended its great length at speed, making for the Astral Home which lay at the roots of the tree. He sent a mental word to the Guardian. [color=black][b]'I come, brother. Permit me enter your domain.'[/b][/color] as he decended, he waited upon the permission of the Guardian. [i][color=C0C0C0]"Enter, esteemed god of Time, though I am not your brother."[/color][/i] With permission granted, Vowzra descended into the roots at speed and quickly found a root ending in one of the Astral Home's nerves. He burst into Galbar's core, the energies of the core revitalising even a god. He noted that the great Astral Home was now red, he had heard its beat, ver-louder as he descended, but seeing it was entirely different. As he looked into it, he could not help but see a pair of haunting eyes staring out at him. Sighing, he looked away; it was his Fate to do as he had to, rather than what he wished. [color=black][b]'You have created a mighty thing here and given Life to what was lifeless. You are the one who most honours and treasures Life, for it is of you.'[/b][/color] he circled around the great red sphere until he could see Escre with his own eyes. [color=black][b]'Why is it then that you allow an enmity to grow between you and the lord of Seasons? Egging others against him and the Life you created? Is it your duty to do as such, or have you allowed thoughts of revenge to mar your purity?'[/b][/color] Vowzra turned his body completely towards the Guardian of Life and looked at it quizzically. Even while he knew much, there was ever so much that he did not; and the exact reasoning behind Escre's actions slipped him by. He was intrigued. For a moment the specter stared at the man of wood, thinking. Gods were not obliged to give justification of their actions to other gods. Two beings of equal stature did not answer to one another; only to their superiors was such rationalization needed. Suspecting that a dismissal would prick the god of Time's pride, however, Escre decided to respond. [color=C0C0C0][i]"Enmity is not a weed that springs from the garden unbidden. It is planted there with deliberation. The attitude of Svieand is toxic. His inflated pride is only matched by his volatile temper. Merely did I extend a memory of his power to the people to give them a chance for survival, and in retaliation he began a winter that would have been the end of all life. His brash actions directly led to the death of my hero. Yet, it is wrong of you to think that I bear him ill will."[/i][/color] [color=C0C0C0][i]"If I wished to take revenge, there would be one less god to torment the planet, and his land would be dust in the wind. My rendezvous with Undasis was an experiment. I wished to see if I could make the Kraken emerge from her by appealing to his own inflated pride. If he did, karma would be exacted. From the resulting exchange, I learned that the true power of the god of Water lies not in bestial strength but wise temperance. A storm may rage, but for the most part the waters are calm. Without Undasis, the Kraken would be as toxic to life, balance, and order as Svieand is, if not worse. In that case, the female temperance keeps the male malevolence at bay. Most...interesting." "I take it your presence here indicates a desire to reach some sort of peace."[/i][/color] Considering the Guardian's words, Vowzra decided to keep his thoughts to himself. There was a marked difference in his mind between the chaotic being which was the Kraken and the inexperienced being which was Sveiand. If the Guardian thought them to be of the self-same metal to one another, then who was Vowzra to try to prove otherwise? Time and Fate would do that. He had to admit, however, that Escre's insights on Undasis were rather interesting. He would have to find some way, in time, to strengthen the Lady over her less agreeable twin. But that was a matter and this was a matter completely different. [color=black][b]'Indeed. Peace between gods who should naturally be closely aligned is not so great a thing to ask. The balance of the world is threatened far more by other forces than it is by the bringer of winter. With guidance and aid, he will surely blossom into a worthwhile ally for both you and I. And there will come a time, as I am sure you would know, when it is only in the alliances we forge today that we will withstand the wrath of the coming imbalance.'[/b][/color] Vowzra paused for a few moments before continuing. 'I am not here to force upon you what you do not wish for, you are a mighty god, most wise, and you will only do as Fate commands.' with that, Vowzra bowed his head before the other before backing away and making for an open nerve. He ascended the roots and great trunk of Orabil, and atop the great tree, he waited upon the curious god who would soon come to investigate. Sveiand had soared from the Great Crater with haste after feeling the shift in his winter on Aguilla. Sviebard was still sound with his peoples content in their simplistic subsistence life style. He span with glee at the sight of his creations thriving in the otherwise harsh climes that would forever occur naturally at this time of year in the achipelago. With winter occurring here it was time for order to be restored in the other hemisphere. He knew that he had been reckless and prideful. His temper unbridled had ultimately negated his purpose of grooming the planet's natural cycles and for that he would forever be ashamed. But for now he would strive to repent and restore order to the seasons as was his duty. As the winter god arrived within the range of Orabil's influence even his own self-doubt melted and Svieand was once again impressed by the wisdom of the timely one, Vowra. Not privy to the plans already in place, Svieand soared naively through the canopy, weaving in and out of the branches, his icy touch disappating from the bark before it even settled. Here he could do no damage with his unruly emotions. Winter, it now seemed, could be controlled. Now bored of the mortal thrills he appeared beside the wizened wooden figure, his porcelain adolescent appearance a stark contrast to his fellow deity. "Undasis has spoken the truth of my transgressions of which I can now see clearly as the morning frost. I was blinded by my own insecurities into ungainly emotions that are not becoming of beings such as ourselves." He paused and inhaled deeply. "And I can only apologise for the subsequent hurt I caused your human race with my actions." Vowzra turned his wooden head towards the young god. Yes, though they had risen at the same time, Vowzra could see that this one was a young god. Its subconscious could not draw upon the experience of a thousand previous worlds, but he would learn. He was a powerful being, and his power was best put to use where it ensured the natural order of things, where it ensured the cycle of order and chaos were in complete harmony and that there was absolute balance. Absolute balance did not mean that there would be complete harmony on the physical plane. Far from it, there would certainly be times when the likes of Escre would grow agitated and believe that the balance was being meddled with. But Vowzra saw with a different eye, and there was a reason Escre saw as Escre saw, and Vowzra saw as Vowzra saw. [color=black][b]'It is not Mankind that you have hurt, it is not even the Guardian of Life. Not truly,'[/b][/color] Vowzra turned completely towards Sveiand and raised a bark hand to the other god's face, [color=black][b]'it is Sveiand that you have hurt most of all.'[/b][/color] His fingers grew colder the longer they remained on the other god's face and a layer of frost had grown on them by the time he withdrew his hand. He allowed his gaze to travel over the landscape. [color=black][b]'Do you not see what I see? Do you not stand where I stand and feel what I feel?'[/b][/color] Vowzra looked down at Orabil, the Tree of Light, the Living Tree, [color=black][b]'what you see is Life, Life in the form of animals and plants. But there is more to life than that. This planet is alive too, you can feel its heartbeat. The very air is alive, you can feel its energies. The flowing water, the clouds in the sky, the stars in the heavens. All things are alive,'[/b][/color] and now he turned back to Sveiand, [color=black][b]'and you, as a god of Seasons, have a part in bringing this Life. Winter is cold and death, but you are not simply Winter. You are so much more...'[/b][/color] Vowzra allowed a small smile to crease his face of bark, [color=black][b]'and so, when you engulfed the world in Eternal Winter, you engulfed yourself in it too, and just as Eternal Winter kills all Life, so too does it kill what you are at heart. It is Time for you to shed this Winter coat of yours, when will you embrace the coming Spring? When will [i]your[/i] Eternal Winter end?'[/b][/color] Svieand was touched by Vowzra's words and revelations. The ice cold of his very core freezing the wooden figure before him was the physical sign of his distortion that he'd already denied for too long. He now knew for truth that he was not as experienced as the other deities and that he would have to learn and adapt quickly to avoid making such a mistake again. He must steer the right path in fufilling his duty to his creators in bringing order to the world, not the very chaos he had wraught. He looked at Vowzra and nodded, smiling at the feeling of affection toward a fatherly figure. The desire to rid himself of the chilling bitterness and blizzard of emotion grew within, but so did the apprehension of what such a change would bring. Yet it was time for new life. A new beginning. A re-birth. The banishment of winter into the embrace of spring. But for that he would need someone's guidance and forgiveness. Escre knew only that there would be no imbalance. It would not stand for it. To that end, the Great Spirit conceded, it would be prudent to have more allies than enemies. Plus, if Escre were to get the chance to come face-to-face with Svieand under the pretense of peace, there was a noteworthy chance that it would be able to take and alter Svieand's own godly spirit, most likely with Vowzra's aid, and make peace with the god of Seasons not a mere hope, but a reality. Escre enveloped itself in a white fire that glowed most eerily off the liquid surface of the Astral Home, and rocketed through the Planet Cord en route to the tree Orabil. As it approached, it found two familiar divinities already nestled among its uppermost leaves and branches. Vowzra's countenance suited his surroundings so well that he may have very well risen from the tree itself, and the other figure beside it the Great Spirit identified as Svieand. Free of emotion, as always, Escre descended among to green canopy. In silence did it approach the two gods. The Winter God gripped the branch tighter as the Great Spirit approached, the bark blossoming with fractals of ice as he drew a deep breath and swallowed his sinful pride. He faced the life-giving god squarely and spoke with the lust for a new change. "I know what must be done. Will you assist me?" As unreadable as ever, Escre stared back. A moment of silent contemplation passed before Escre raised a hand--the right hand, the bearer of the lantern, and the hand of creation. It murmured, [color=C0C0C0][i]"Of course. I am ever at the service of the gods."[/i][/color] With that Svieand launched into the air and pulled all of his energies together into a gleaming sphere of silver light. The Great Spirit's memory of its encounter with Undasis lay fresh on its mind. It held up its lantern and opened it wide. Lifeblood began to spill from its reservoir, gleaming almost like the original mana in the radiance of the lantern's undine light. Behind Escre's back, its [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/asuraswrath/images/e/ed/Aw-sergei-halo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130420025312]halo[/url] appeared, a crescent moon solidified from nothingness. Inside the lantern, blood and light combined, forming into several glistening singularities that gathered and, all at once, converged on Svieand. The pure life force surged into the cold God and his core melted to only a small shard of ice still retaining his bitter winter persona. The bitterness, childishness, envy, jealousy, judgement and immaturity melted away leaving nothing but that one crystal and endless potential. The figure was soon just a halo of golden light pulsing with the blood red energy imbued by Escre into the season spirit. The shifting mirage grew ever brighter the pure light blinding the scenic view from the summit of Orabil. With it grew a humming that increased in pitch until the hazy light exploded releasing this new energy out into the world. The pulse of pink tinged power rippled out from the Living Tree. The eternal winter was removed from even the furthest reaches of the southern continent and the very land itself blossomed. Trees shook off their white coat and burst into leaf, the blizzards of snow replaced with falling blossom. The ground dried out as the grass absorbed the meltwater to grow at an exceptional rate punctured by specks of colour as spring flowers bloomed into existence. Insects emerged from hibernation, birds started to lay the foundations for their nests and all over the continent the new borns of every species saw the world of Galbar for the first time, each expressing "Wow" in their own way. When the light had dimmed it had coalesced once again into a humanoid figure. This one shorter, thinner and proportioned differently. Her bright green eyes opened and the light vanished. Petite arched feet with delicate arches landed on the strong branch followed by ivory smooth legs and rounded hips. A toned abdomen and thin waist led to pert breasts and elegant arms that explored her new form. Her golden hair fell like a curtain of silk to the top of her waist, the sunlight catching the stray strands of hair that blew across her face. In a way this made her more beautiful, as the yellow streaks complimented her enchanted verdant eyes that burst with vibrancy. Yet they also reflected a look of wisdom far beyond those naive blue ones that had existed moments before. [hider=Appearance][img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/74ee/th/pre/i/2013/059/3/2/the_goddess_by_antilous-d5whh8n.jpg[/img][/hider] The pale skinned and tall, slender build strode toward the other two figures and smiled with confidence. She blew into the winds that breezed through the enormous ecosystem that was the Tree of Light and they appeared. Scattered over the canopy precisely one hundred buds appeared and bloomed into a large white blossom to reveal a sparkling spirit at the center of each one. The Vesla flocked to their mother and danced across the branches gaily slowly taking similar vibrant forms inspired by their surroundings. Some coloured vibrant like the bluebell or daffodil, others the rich greens of fresh moss or the virginal whites and pinks of tree blossom. [colour=7CFC00] "My daughters."[/colour] the yellow haired figure spoke. [colour=7CFC00]"You are birthed from the seasons and life itself to guard over this planet. You shall observe and inform us,"[/colour] gesturing at all three present, [colour=7CFC00]"of those who deserve blessings and those who seek to harm all that we have created."[/colour] With that the magical Vesla scattered across the planet to take up home in trees, groves, clearings and meadows that would soon become sacred to the local peoples. Left naked on the branch a whirl of leaves and the now spent Orabil petals flew to her body and formed a skin-tight, luminous white dress with a long shoulder train of white petals. Finally settled she felt the pang of loss as the knowledge of Undasis' revenge seeped into her through the tree. Yet there was nothing she could do. Tribes were still alive and many had been granted new lives aquatic. She would visit the remaining islands but must focus on her destiny of keeping order, unlike her previous self. She turned to the gods before her; [colour=7CFC00] "Gentlemen, shall we?" [/colour] and lept into the air in a flurry of petals. Whilst the Northern Sviebard archipelago was still cold and trying, half of it drowned, in the South one thing was clear. Spring had most definitely arrived. Summary - Svieand 1 Might spent on blooming the planet, Orabil and birthing every species 1 Might spent to create the Vesla guardians (non-reproducing magical species) (+ previous axis tilt = 3 Might spent on Spring) 5 Might to level up 3 Might to add 'Spring' to portfolio