[quote=@DocTachyon] So, about the skills, how does it make sense that our characters are masters at certain things, but complete failures at everything else? I mean, suppose I tag Speech, Guns, and Sneak. Am I completely awful at repair? How am I a master of the operation of firearms yet have no idea how to take care of one? I'd suggest adding another section to the character, where you can put two or three skills that you are proficient at(NOT a master at), perhaps as long as you explain how it is related to one of the three skills you have mastered...? EDIT: Reading over this again, I apologize if it comes off as hostile. [/quote] Using a gun, and maintaining it are two different things. Being a master of using guns, and being a master of repairing them, you know, there's a difference there. But let's back up a little shall we? Are you going to keep a record of your gun's condition? Of how the barrel degrades over the expenditure of each bullet? I mean, whoa, you can if you want, but that sounds realllllllllllllllllllllll pedantic. Instead, repair will likely feature for you know, repairing things. Like Edee, and other such scenarios. A handy skill to have, in a wasteland full of broken things. And besides, someone who hasn't taken repair, if they really wanted to progress the degradation of their weapons, could still repair them - just less effectively so. They'd have to find an exact copy of the gun, take it apart, use the bits they need. A master of repair would be able to crack open a fridge and re-purpose the parts from that. It's all how you want to perceive it, personally, I don't see the issue. I understand where you're coming from, but I think it's the wrong angle, as if this text-based adventure was coming complete with a HUD.