[H2] IZAYOI CROMATUS TOWER - [color=f49ac2]UNKNOWN[/color] [/h2] Whilst the residents of Izayoi went on with their daily tasks, none were aware of some of the events which were currently transpiring. Specifically in the tallest sector of the city, the massive Clocktower known as Chromatus Tower. Outside its shining brilliance remained peace, with a hint of tranquility... Inside the tower however, quite the opposite... Its insides were quiet, as a man slowly began ascending a massive spiral staircase of chrome toward the top of the square tower, his footsteps were small, slow and steady, taking his time, perhaps savouring the moment, a smile laid upon his caucasian face, as his crystal blue eyes surveyed his surroundings, the more bizarre thing however, was that as he walked up the stairs, nobody stopped him, no guards, nothing, in fact, no guard had moved from their spot the moment he waltzed into the entrance to the tower, as if entirely locked in place. Their eyes darted around them, fully aware of their predicament, but unable to shout, unable to call for help, unable to resist. [color=6ecff6]"Do you think this time will be different, Mr. Wright?"[/color] spoke a voice above the man, his breathe cold and venomous, gleefully whispering each word with arrogance and pride. [color=f49ac2]"Perhaps not. I have no faith in acquiring the tools I need to bring it out this time. It's best not to be so optimistic, it can let you down..."[/color] Mr. Wright returned, looking up to view the crevices of the towers shadows, where he had heard the voice, but he did not stop moving, continuing to ascend the stairs to his destination, chuckling somewhat. [color=f49ac2]"They can all see me, but it won't matter once we're done here. Take care of them for me, once the task is completed, won't you?"[/color] Wright explained, pointing to the individual guards, tourists and otherwise, children, old couples, families all dotting the staircase, unable to move even the slightest bit. The entity in the shadows could hardly hold back his laughter, his voice depraved of humanity, none other than a sick twisted bastard... [color=6ecff6]"Well, i'd never give up a chance for food, you know~ So i'll obey no problem, Wright... However... A Question: should you... recruit. What happens then?"[/color] [color=f49ac2]"You simply leave that in my capable hands..."[/color] Wright responded. [color=f49ac2]"Then all you must do is wait for the worms~ This is where I'll leave the trail, where i'll leave the things they'll need..."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Heh... You know, for one of them, you're certainly different from the others... Innocent people being killed off too? Not very good are you?"[/color] As Wright passed by one of the couples on his way up the staircase, he unsheathed a kitchen knife from his bright pink turtleneck and quickly lodged it into the cranium of a male boy, no older than fifteen with little to no worry, and removed it. No blood spilled, but the hole was clearly visible. Wright inspected the hole silently before rummaging his fist into the open cranium of the boy, and without much effort, extracted the brain of the child, however it didn't pump, as if it were lifeless. [color=f49ac2]"Living, dead, apples and oranges as they say... Living are roadblocks, the dead don't disturb my goals... A few dead bystanders won't make me lose a wink of sleep... on the contrary... I'm hoping they squeal..."[/color] With that, Wright dropped the brain, causing it to simply float in midair, leaving the brain extracted child to die, as the boys eyes slowly lost their spark, all in front of his lover, from their eyes having been locked. He was dead, and there was no changing that. Soon enough, Wright approached the top and climbed the ladder leading to the outside, it didn't take much time for him to finally be out in the fresh open air, alone, the entity he was with staying contently in the tower. Wright stared off toward the whole of Izayoi city with a smile, his body resting against the heavy clocktower bell, with the sun blazing down upon the cities entirety. [color=f49ac2]"Without effort this could all be removed. Without effort i'll cleanse this farce of a peaceful timeline..."[/color] Brandishing an arrow, made of unknown gold materials from his pocket, he stared longingly into its delightful craftsmanship. [color=f49ac2]"Dark Moon grasped you from another time... Here you will aid a new timeline... And its eventful end. I just need to wait... a few more moments... Just a few... more... minutes..."[/color] [h2]IZAYOI CITY - [color=bc8dbf]Gibson Ves Hawkin[/color][/h2] After finishing his melon ramune, Gibson, now refreshed to tackle the heat of the day, walked out of the store, brushing his dreadlocks back whilst he moved, despite the suns heat, his makeup and gothic attire didn't at all crease or drip, which was both surprising and relieving, that would have been a pain to re-do! His travels took him to where the current events were taking place with the others, surprised at the events unfolded, with the banana man being kicked about and everyone gathering around, Gibson thought this might be a good time to introduce himself to some strangers! Approaching the group, Gibson smiled and called out, his voice cheerful and outgoing, a total juxtaposed outcome, given his rather gothic look. [color=bc8dbf]"Hey! What was going on there guys? Sorry if i'm butting in or anything! Names Gibson! Gibson Ves Hawkin! Nice to meetcha! None of you are hurt right? I've a few more ramune if anyones thirsty! Might take some of the pain away! Hahah!"[/color]