These two were turning out to be an interesting and somewhat intimidating. Jules seemed funny at first, as him taking a bite out of his sandwich only to almost comically begin choking the next second brought an amused smile to her face. This smile quickly vanished however, when he brought up that being a first-year was the worse before saying they would have to fight a troll. Amelia had no idea whether that was a good thing or not until Jules said there had been dismemberments. At those words, Amelia's face went as pale as a ghost's and she had to sit back down as she suddenly felt weak in the knees. What kind of school made it's students fight a creature that could easily rip their limbs? It sounded like pure insanity! Luckily though, Lars was there to dismiss this, rather scary, lie. The older girl moved closer before telling Amelia that the troll bit Lars said was 'hullaballoo'. Amelia had never heard that word before but the way it sounded managed to get a laugh out of the girl. Or, at least it looked like it had. Amelia had obviously laughed yet no sound escaped her lips, almost as if someone had cast a spell on her to keep her silent. Still, she seemed happier now and managed to have a real smile on her face. She just nodded at Lars before standing up again, ready to get going for some food. [@c3p-0h] [@Fumari]