[i]Stubborn thing.[/i] Alexis watched the events in front of the bank from her high perch, the scope giving her such clarity it was as if she were there in person with sound relayed to her in static-filled patches via her earpiece. Despite most of his limbs now nearly useless, Flash Bang looked to be getting up again. The arrows 'Robin Hood' had put through the villain's feet and hands to pin him down proved ineffective, the enlarged man ripping them from his flesh and grumbling to his feet. Regular bullets practically bounced off his skin and Alexis could see the beginnings of what she referred to as 'blood rage' in Flash Bang's stature; a rage brought on by pain at the very edge of consciousness that would make the sufferer nigh upon impossible to stop. She had seen it in battle before. Men and women injured, sometimes fatally, picking up their weapon and charging full tilt screaming hate and death all the while firing with terrifying accuracy at their perceived enemies. Often they would suffer more wounds that would drop anyone else but they would carry on until either their heart or head was taken out. Adjusting her aim she took out Flash Bang's kneecap and then put a round in his chest, avoiding any vital areas. Again, he stood up and prepared to charge. [color=fff79a][b]"This is Agent Chandle. He can't be stopped now without significant casualties, maybe even civilian. I'm dropping him."[/b][/color] She ignored the requests for clarification, sighting onto the villain's forehead and fired. Her mind flashed back to the scores of men and women she had taken out in this fashion, both 'domestic terrorists' (as classified by her superiors) and other dangerous malcontents as well as those during her time in the Middle East. Every time it was the same result, the product of high-pressure training that turned her into a weapon just as much as the one she used; the two combining into a killing machine that never missed its target. Flash Bang's head was thrown back as the bullet bored through his skull, just above the goggles he wore, and then he collapsed in an ungainly heap. [color=fff79a][b]"Subject terminated. I'll leave the cleanup to you, Agent Ross."[/b][/color]