[quote=@Genni] [hider=Spoilers] If people are going to be playing Echo and Delta i'd say they'd both be heavily scarred from the battle with the I-Rex, Echo with burns and Delta with deep teeth gouges.[/hider] I'd not be too interested in taking a dinosaur too, but if pushed I'd go for Echo, just to round off the 'Raptor Family. If anyone else would like to take her though I'd happily step aside in favour of another dino instead. [/quote] [Hider=Spoilers]We just decided that Echo is not probably for real dead, if no one wants to specifically take her. If you want to change that by playing her, that's fine, but otherwise she probably won't be part of the RP.[/hider] Otherwise, the scars -- and possible burn marks -- apply, of course! /EDIT: [@AgentFallenSoul]: Yeah... thank you, though. xD