Antonino finished tying off the Chris Craft Deluxe Roundabout to the dock, then lit a cigarette and stretched his arms out, the waters between Key west and south Miami had been relatively smooth making for a much faster trip then he had anticipated, otherwise he would of stayed longer in the Keys after the Caribbean Star dropped anchor and began unloading her cargo off onto the smaller coast runners that were crewed by DeMarko men. But he felt confident the Schooners new Skipper had no intentions of trying to screw the Don over...not after seeing what happened to the previous Skipper. Antonino checked his watch and a wistful smile spread on his lips as he walked up the dock to the Marina, stopping first to tip a dockhand a generous tip to keep an eye on his boat, he then made his way inside the Marina and leaned up on the bar, flashed Maggie the bartender his best devilish sideways grin when she turned her green eyes his way. Maggie may of been short, roughly 5"4', but she was curved in all the right places and had a perfect pair of gam's that she loved to show off by wearing high cut white shorts that hugged her perfect round butt as well. He watched as she sashayed her way down the bar towards him, her long wavy blonde her flowing like the waves of the sea, what he liked most about her was that she didn't fall for his tough guy mobster persona, she was flirtatious of course, even more so then when she was doing it simply to get a better tip, but she'd shoot him down everytime he'd made a pass at her, maybe it was the fact that she was playing hard to get that intrigued him the most about her. Two cups of coffee and forty minutes of flirting later, that left him feeling very much aroused, Antonino left her a three dollar tip and an offer of a weekend trip to Havana. She tilted her head, smiled her lil angelic smile, took the tip with a wink and passed on the trip. Antonino tipped his hat then spun on his heels and headed out the door, hopping into the 47' Mercury Coupe and spinning off toward south Miami beach to Don DeMarko's beachside Mansion. Antonino checked in at the front gates of the Mansion then drove up the drive and parked, where he was met by the much too serious Bruno, the Dons head of household security, Bruno was old world Sicilian and the perfect example of the phrase,"built like a gorilla", no one other then the Don dared to fuck around with Bruno, not after a right cross from Brunos beefy hand put two smartasses in the Hospital, nearly killing one of them. Antonino nodded a greeting to Bruno who only grunted in return then held out his hands in expectation to which Antonino happily placed his pair of .45´s in, [I]"The Don up and about yet?"[/I] , Antonino inquired in simple fashion, knowing it was a waste of time engaging Bruno in any sort of prolonged conversation. [i]"He knows your here...your to go to his study, he will met you there"[/i] , came Bruno's flat reply, thick with Sicilian accent, Antonino nodded and walked to the front door, entered and turned left down the hallway to the Dons study, once inside, he strode over to the bar and poured himself a half glass of fifty year old single malt scotch, being the Enforcer had its perks, then he sat down on the Corinthian leather couch and waited patiently for the Don to come in.