[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82417-phantasma-festival-a-magical-girl-rp/ooc]The OOC[/url] ------------------------- [i]Dear sir/madam, [center]Allow me to congratulate you on being selected as the new phantasm representative for the Phantasma Festival! ^_^ If this seems confusing to you, rest assured, an exposition fairy will fill you in on the details sometime later~ <3 Along with several other lucky candidates, you'll get to play around with magical powers that normal humans have long since erased from their consciousness. Which was kind of silly, if you ask me. How do you guys live without magic? This email thingy is pretty weird, I probably should've stuck with sending the messenger bunny? XD But, anyway, magic powers! Expo Fairy can tell you about the magic you're harbouring, as well, so I'll skip ahead to the fun bit! Our festival holds a tournament where aspiring little mages brawl in epic fights, for the chance to win a wish granted by yours truly! Awesome, right? :O There should be a document attached that lists a few terms and conditions, wish limits, blah blah blah, can't wait to see you guys~![/center] [right]-Inaba Kaguya[/right][/i] >Mark as "spam" ------------------------------------- So for some reason, you got a strange email that you were compelled to read, despite the... strangeness of it (what kind of email is 'myearsarefluffierthanyourearsibetyourejealousrightofcourseyouareeveryoneisjealousteeheeheeimonlykidding@magic.com', anyway?). Whether or not you dismissed or believed its contents, a short while later, you find yourself speaking with an actual fairy, who informs you that you have become a magical girl. Or a magical boy. And is now demanding that you train for some upcoming tournament. It's a weird week for you, probably. But yeah, this a magical girl RP, in which the mages' powers and costumes take after mythological creatures, monsters, just about anything from ghosts to dragons. Obviously, no one's going to have an inherent power advantage based on their chosen creature. I'd like the tone for the RP to be light-hearted and fairly comedic. Nothing too dark and depressing, just a place to have some fun. Although more serious arcs could come up later, for now, let's just get used to changing into frilly clothes instantaneously. So, any interest?