[center][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/822d/f/2012/296/7/f/7f53d1bd8b57891e8269e37ea1dbb08c-d3236ci.jpg[/img][/center] [color=fff200][b]Name: [/b][/color] Riptide (Given by Owen when he encounters her) [color=fff200][b]Age:[/b][/color] 4 years (About 8 ft tall) [b][color=fff200]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=fff200]Species:[/color][/b] Utahraptor ostrommaysorum [color=fff200][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Riptide is an interesting dinosaur to say the least. Being raised by Blue at a young age, she naturally gained alot of blues qualities however it was packed into a rather bigger body. She almost doubles the size of the others on account of what she is, but she is extremely loyal. She will very rarely stray from orders from Blue and will fight to the end to make sure that her pack survives. She also can be quite...vicious, when sent into hunt mode, she is typically the packs distraction, using both her size and her power to preoccupy prey. However get caught her in claws or jaws and you're gunna have a really really bad time. [b][color=fff200]Backstory:[/color][/b] It's a bit of a murky ride trying to figure out how a Utahraptor was even able to come into existence on the island. In fact Riptide was an accident that they had missed, in a malfunction of the system, and also pressed for time, Riptide was made from the system, mistaking Utahraptor DNA for a velociraptor DNA and she came into existence. In the confusion of the outbreak of the I-Rex, her egg was taken by a scientist tasked with putting her egg along with many others into cases. As the scientist began to evacuate however, her egg was dropped form the case and landed in bushes well hidden. As the evacuation continued her egg was found by a Pteranodon and picked up. The Pteranodon had intended to eat the egg, but in mid air over a river in the forest, it was attacked by another Pteranodon and Riptides egg was dropped into a river. It was then picked up again by a Gallimimus who had been drinking from the river. It ventured in the forest with the egg in hand and eventual put it down, only to find that the egg had moved and fallen down into brush. Riptide's egg should have smashed but somehow some way it survived, not only that journey but also the night. In the morning the egg shook in the brush and none other then Blue had found her. Something in Blue made her wait to look into egg and see that something that resembled her was inside. Riptide stumbled out of the egg and onto the ground, looking weakly up at Blue. To Blue's surprise the little Utahraptor imprinted on her and it started a bond between the two almost resembling a mother and child. Blue took care of the baby and slowly Riptide got bigger and bigger. Soon Blue was teaching her to hunt easy prey at first. But in the following years, Riptide became one of the back and in fact became a big part of it. In a clash against a Suchomimus and the pack, She fought one on one with the much larger dino and gained multiple scars on her snout as well as her neck. She won but barely escaped death, however she placed herself as one of the pack after protecting Blue and Delta from the bigger dino. Since then she has been shown to take orders from the two and stalk the forest with them, as stealthy and deadly as ever.