Annalynn sighed. "Ms. Rama, three things. First of all, your combat experience is appreciated, but irrelevant to the nature of the mission and nullified by the nature of your discharge from the Marine Corps. Second, you are in no position to take on the responsibility of the ship's tactical decisions, being that you do not outrank any current serving crew member, so again, while your tactical expertise is appreciated, we must still make decisions as a crew. That means co-operation, Kal, not a dictatorship." Annalynn began to sound like a kind, lecturing mother, but it wasn't anything Kal wouldn't be used to. Annalynn had had to look after far too many of the crew as her own children the past couple days. She continued, "And finally, thank you for so eloquently rephrasing the plan that has already been discussed and developed. Your input is appreciated." Annalynn smiled, quietly hoping that the passive-aggression would be felt in the room and Kal would back down slightly. On second thought, Annalynn realized her passive-aggression was just as likely to backfire on her as much as it was to work. Shit.