Cia took a deep breath as the two approached her. "We aren't having this conversation in the open." Cia said as she lead them to the cafe shortly before anyone entered it. "I'll be with you in a moment sir!" Cia said with a smile was she took the two men into the back room. "I have no doubt you have the money, and the current price is going to be about $40,000." Cia said as a greedy look came upon her face. Of course this item was very expensive due to it being a powerful object of power, and it was one of kind. "Now unless you have anything else to offer in this trade I'm afraid that will be by price. ------------------------------------------------------------ Linia meanwhile decided to atleast try to describe it. "It's like an alliance among individuals, anyways, what is it you are looking for here?" Linia asked she hoped that the dead soldiers were proof enough that she wasn't an enemy, at least she wasn't one yet unless they attacked her first. She hoped that the answer would be no them.