[color=#9f77e8][b]"Bold of the little kitten."[/b][/color] Kevess said. He was leaning forward and reaching for a pocket on his back. The mummy's eyes were locked into eye contact with the fellow hunter. [color=#9f77e8][b]"Poison? How easy it must be to hunt like that."[/b][/color] He pulled out his weapon, holding it out so that his blade was away from his body, reversed from the conventional sword. [color=#9f77e8][b]"Where all the Magicite is at, it'll take more than poison to take down a target."[/b][/color] Kevess's eyes narrowed, as if studying the hunter. "Perhaps it would be better for an amateur like you to stay behind." At this point it was hard to tell what the man was thinking for his tone was low and his joints were bend as if crouching only to jump forward in a flash of movement. [color=#e86461][b]"Oi! Let's get this show on the road!"[/b][/color] The moogle seemed more eager than the others. He shared the runner with the Caulum woman. The remaining members of the party arrived as well. Each had obtained all they needed for the long trip. Some had chosen to carry their own supplies but just a couple were comfortable with using Greg's Pack of Hoarding. In all there was food, water, and medicine for twenty days suited for over twelve party members. The plan of action however was clear at this point. The two hunters and the eastern warrior would be a distance behind the party, making sure that the ones traveling in front were able to call reinforcements in the case of an ambush or tense situation. The runners would carry the main group ahead as to move quickly over the land. [hr] Time had passed, getting as far as the edge of Navire's border everyone could see the magical wall rising from the ground. This was the marker of a kingdom. That wall was a barrier protecting the land from the creatures of the forest. It was not that monsters could not pass through that barrier but instead it weakened all beings that were predators such as Dire Wolves. [color=#e86461][b]"Hey! Look there, some people are laying on the ground!"[/b][/color] Greg pointed out people who were scattered about the path ahead. The road's dirt was brown but the clothes of those people were brighter colors such as red and blue. Grain on either side of the road was only a few inches tall but as the party approached they could see there'd been some movement. A new path in the grain ripped through the new fields. When Wallace approached, having Libra cast, he noticed something particular about these people. In an instant he could identify these people. Humans who's health had left them. All at once he'd realized blood was covering these humans and the path in the grain was covered in spots of the red liquid. To those who'd seen a battle in the wilds, this much had been obvious: a creature passed through the border but retained much of its power still. (Any actions thus far are not under time limit. Feel free to ignore or investigate this scene.)