[b]Name:[/b] Tanya Robertson [img]http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/screencrush.com/442/files/2012/05/Black-Widow.jpg?w=720&cdnnode=1[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Bisexual [b]Occupation:[/b] JW Chief of Security [b]Personality:[/b] At first glance, Tanya can be seen as incredibly bossy and downright imposing, but thats only in the heat of certain circumstances. And while she indeed has a no-shit attitude, in reality, she is also level headed, strong-willed and a highly independent woman. Robertson normally maintains a controlled, almost emotionless persona to keep whatever she is thinking a secret unless she is around people she absolutely trusts. And no matter how injured she is in battle, Tanya will go out her way to make sure bystanders are out of harm's way. Some even think that she is a real life superhero. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Expert Marksman/Fighter:[/b] Tanya has been trained in a variety of arsenal as well as in martial arts, however rarely uses it in Jurassic World. [*] [b]High Intelligence:[/b] She is incredibly smart and is able to solve various problems from saving civilians quickly to stopping a rampaging T-Rex. [*] [b]Superior Leader:[/b] Tanya has lead squads since she was an officer in the Police Force, and continues to do so in Jurassic World. [/list] [b]Frailties:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Arrogance:[/b] Tanya is known for being arrogant in some circumstances and can get pretty nasty if talked back by lower ranked people she does not care for. Only certain "comrades" and higher ranked people does she allow such behavior. [*] [b]Temper:[/b] In certain stressful situations, she tends to break a fuse more frequently then otherwise. She would rather have someone obey orders then talking back. [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Tanya Robertson was born on November 17th, 1984, in New York City. Her family was incredibly strict with her since she was a child, often keeping her in to study. As a result, she hadn't had many friends due to she being busy all the time, yet still likes company otherwise. At the age of 12, her mother died in a car crash, making her extremely depressed for several years. Her father, having worked closely with the local police force, offered Tanya to become a police, knowing that she is extremely intelligent and acrobatic. Having nowhere else to go in life, she agreed, and became an extremely talented officer by the age of 22, which is quite young for a lady like her. Tanya participated in apprehending various criminals via herself and on several occasions lead squads as well, making her a talented leader. She rose through the ranks quickly and by the age of 27 she had become the assistant chief of the police force. She even became quite well known in her local area, enough for InGen to take notice. Offering her as Chief on Security in the new reopening Jurassic World, Tanya agreed on having the honorable title and left to Isla Nublar after some basic training. Already she has been operating ever since the park began reconstruction and had been very strict towards others. Yet she has kept order throughout the park, already stopped several dinosaur breakouts with her backup. Who said men could only be Chief of Security? [b]Former experience with Jurassic Park/World:[/b] N/A; First time